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Carter pov: today is the day that I will propose to my love yuki!! I'm so nervous tho today I'll be taking her to a fancy restaurant then wait for my moment and then boom! I propose!! Haha!! "Kinda dumb Carter" my brother Tyler said as he file down his nails like a female ew.. jk but anyways "how I've been planning this for awhile now!!" I said as I flop on the couch "well what if she says no and the worse thing is y'all are gonna be in public as well "but I just wanna give it a shot!" I said smiling holding the ring box in my hand

"By the way can I borrow one of your suits?"i said hitting my nail,he chuckled "alright but let me clean your nails" I rolled my eyes as I gave him my hand (not sweet home Alabama btw) he cleaned my nail as he gave me advice for my date tonight


Yuki pov:I was taking a shower until I realized one thing I have two hours left to get ready and Ive been in the shower for 3mins :⁠-⁠P I got out blow dried my hair i curled my hair thinking about the date tonight Carter has never taken me to a fancy restaurant so it's kinda weird but I didn't think about the money he might spend tho...oh well
I was doing my makeup until my step sister came up to me "heyy what are you getting ready for?"she said leaning on the door way of my room "oh I'm going on a date with Carter

I smiled "ah really?" I nodded as I continued with my makeup "dang you never dressed like that you look all fancy" she said surprised "yeah Carter is taking me out to a fancy restaurant!" She smiled "really good luck tell me how it goes after!"she smiled and went back to her room I blushed but I'm still concerned about why he's taking me to a fancy restaurant

I told my friends and he looked suspicious when I told them about our date tonight they just smile a nodded =⁠_⁠=


Carter pov:I held yuki's hand as we walked into the restaurant she looked so beautiful she had curled hair black and white makeup and a long black sparkly dress on we sat a seat I sat next to her I was so distracted by her eyes that I barely listen to her talking "Carter?" I suddenly snapped back "oh sorry! Heh"I blushed she then hugged me "so why did you take me out to a fancy restaurant" he turned red "that's a surprise for later"

We kept having a conversation while eating then when we were about to leave I stoped her "so yuki I think it's time to ask you an important question" she looked surprised as she covered her mouth as I got down on one knee "yuki?.... Will you marry me? I pulled out the diamond ring Infront of her "yes....yes!!!" She yelled as everyone clapped as I put the ring on her

I felt so happy I get to finally marry her... We hugged as we went to the car I dropped her off and drove back to my house....

Yuki pov:Im so happy I got to finally get engaged after so long...from a dream I had since I was 10 I'm finally get to have this opportunity..."so how did it go!"Briana said excitedly "he propose to me!!!" We both started squealing

Later that night 2:00am

I was laying down in bed thinking about tonight I waited for so long for this to happen but I thought our relationship wouldn't last long but he stayed with me I loved him so much....

Carter pov: me and Tyler were talking about what happened at the restaurant even tho it was late me and Tyler have been very close to each other and he has always given a bunch of advice for love "wow I'm surprised it went well" I said smiling "I'm happy for you.." he said smiling

"So how's link been?"

"Oh he's been a little down yesterday so I took care of him" he said blushing "well I'm going to bed goodnight"

"Goodnight!"I said as he closed door

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