7.like big sis like little sis

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The doctor enters the rooms and asks for the older people but of course it's me I'm 20 "yes doctor is there anything I can do to save my sister!?" I'm about to cry right now I've always wanted sisters and I don't wanna lose my baby sister even tho she is 13 she is my baby! "We'll she doesn't have enough blood and your the only one that has the same blood type so will you be willing to-" I stoped him immediately I need to donate as much blood as she needs! "Yes I will be willing to donate my blood please get this Started now" the doctor looked shocked but he took me into another to give my blood

As the doctor is taking my blood I smile because I'm saving my baby sister a sis I love with my whole heart "ok 1 pint that's all ma'am " I smile and get up to go get a soda then back with the others carter and yuki and sleeping on chair and Kate is on her phone while crying "hey sister sister you okay?" I sit down next to her resting my head on her shoulder

"Did you donate the blood" she says while sobbing "yes I did a pint of blood" Kate then hugs me and falls asleep and I do too

3 hours pass by

"Hello I'm I need to speak to Sarah" the doctor says while knocking on the door frame I then wake up In a cold sweat with tears still rolling down my face "yes what's wrong?.." I. Can tell the doctor is smiling in his mask "good news and not so good news the good news is she is okay and the blood transplant helped her a lot and the not so good news is we need to keep her here for the rest of the month" I smile and say in a worried voice " will we be able to visit her?"

The dock nods and give the bill she then fills the bill out and drives everyone home

At home with Sarah and Kate

Kate lays down in bed and sobs in her pillow and Sarah lays down in bed with her to comfort  her "shh it's okay she will be alright" as a tear rolls down my face i made sure to stay by Kate's side cause she has really bad anxiety

Carter pov: is texting yuki about much she already misses her and Carmen text:you wanna call sweetheart? Yuki replies yes and they both start to call "beautiful how are you doing?" "Good carter but I'm still worried for Carmen tho" "I know me too beautiful but we can still visit her after school maybe everyday we can go visit her for an hour how's that sound?" "Yes that's good will I'm tired I got to go bye carter!" Hangs up "yuki.." I smile and I go to the kitchen to get a drink and I see my older brother Tyler doing his paper work on the kitchen table me and my big sister lives with Tyler cause my parents are put in jail for abuse to be my brother

"Hey Tyler how are you" I say while finding a drink "im good how was school" he says while writing "it was cool I got a new girlfriend and she is just a sweetheart and Carmen is Jen the hospital that's why I was so late" just when I said that Tyler gets up and hugs me "I love you carter okay?" He says as he try's not to cry he's been trough abuse and he is been blind from one eye most of his life

"Where's Callie?" I say confused "she's at Lukas  house for the week Remember?" I forgot she was even there we hardly see her anymore ever since her gf broke up with her she's been trying her hardest to get back with her "Tyler can.. can I sleep in your room tonight?.."I always love it when I sleep in Tyler's room cause whenever mom and dad would always fight he bro ha me and my sister to the room and watch tv

"Yes sure we'll go to sleep once I'm done with my work" he says with a smile i then got back to my room with a can of soda and starts writing in my diary I always write alot of personal stuff In there but sometimes I let my brother read it cause he's my personal therapist and so is Callie she may be an a-hole but she is a warm hearted girl

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