16.break up

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The next week at school

Carter pov:I ran up to yuki and gave her a hug but she pushed me away very roughly and she had a disgusting look in her face "you cheated...."she said sobbing "what no I didn't!!"

"Oh yeah then why did you and link sexed!?!"she yelled at me I was shock to see her this angry and plus I don't know how she founded out!?

"I can't believe you we've been together since we were 13!!!"she said banging on her locker Carmen and Briana took her away from me

I guess now I'm with link but guess what...I DONT GIVE A FUCK HAHA!!

I walk up to link happy and gave him a big hug I love how he just turn around and hug me back petting my head like a cat "I love you so much link..."I said with a sinister smile

2 years later after graduation

Me and link moved in together in a apartment after we settled we he sat on the couch and turned on the tv I sat next to him with my hand on his tigh

"Hey what do you think your doing?"he said looking at hand "oh sorry I was just distracted from your beauty and I just had too love" he kissed my cheek and snuggled on me and fell asleep the same way how yuki slept on me...I just realized I really missed her..I want to be with her but she would probably never

Get back together with me..."link can you move so I can get up?" He moved and fell back asleep on the couch I kissed his head and called Carmen for help I was scared because we haven't talked in 2 years "hi Carmen it's Carter!" I said with a shaking voice

"Carter....I have to tell you something.....yuki she misses you slot and she really wants to give you a hug and kiss again she really is begging for you!" She said with anger

"Wow really I miss her too I really miss her and I not really inlove with link anymore" I said while looking at link he is a kind hearted person I've meet I protected him when he was lonley in high school then we fell inlove with each other

I Ended the call and sat on the couch with link
"Hey cutie" he touched my hips and bring me close to him he kissed me softly im love with both yuki and link "babe I need to tell you something..." you have to do it "I'm...poly I love you and yuki..." he let go of me "wow....okay I don't really care as long as you love us equally I'm okay...."he hugged me I knew he was lying he wants me for himself

He kissed me again but more deeper in my lips
I moaned as he grabed my legs and drags me closer "link....stop."I said as he massaged my hips "no your mine..."he digged his finger in my hips "Ah!!! LINK MY HIPS THEY HURT!!"he put a spell on me and paralyzed me on the couch and got up "I got another girl pregnant after graduation in our first year of college....she had her baby yesterday....and I want to keep it"

"WHAT NO IM NOT GONNA BE A GAY FATHER EW!!!" After he put out the spell I packed my stuff and ran out

Link pov:"carter no...."I cried closing the door I didn't know what to do I volunteered to take care of the baby and now I have to take care of the baby by myself

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