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3months passes....

link pov: I was at the park with as he was playing I met up with Carter but little did I know something bad was gonna happen....

"Hey there kiddo...."


"you wanna come with me?"pulls out a price of candy

"Oki!!"takes the candy

"Well anyways I got to go now! Liz lets go!" I waited for him but he didn't respond "Liz?"

"Wheres Liz?" Carter said worried I tried looking for him but he wasn't anywhere!! I then asked a women sitting on a bench with her daughter "excuse me have you seen a boy with short green hair?"

"Oh I saw him went with a old man with dark purple and white hair I thought it was his grandpa" she said confused
No.....it can't be...... "Okay thank you!!" Me and Carter ran and saw my dad with Liz "LIZ GET BACK HERE!!" My dad turned around picked up Liz and ran to his van and threw him in and drove away "NOOO LIZ!!!" I tripped on the pavement and scratched myself

"No....why?...why him.....?"I began crying while Carter contact the police we went home as the police were questioning about what happened...why my baby....he is only 5....I just hope he doesn't kill him....!?


Liz pov:I was crying in the back of the van the man tied me up with itchy rope and a cloth in my mouth he then took me to this old basement and threw me down the stairs.. but I'm actually strong and can survive

*crying too loud* I miss my daddy's...!

"SHUT UP SHUSH!!!!"he pulled out a mallet and wacked my knees until it broke

*screaming and crying* the screams were too loud and he pulled out a dagger and pointed it to my mouth "IF YOU SCREAM OR CRY IM GONNA CUT YOUR NECK SO YOU MUST DO AS I SAY....." I stoped crying and just whimper "good..." He putted bandages on on my knee and then healed it till I could feel it "now just stay here...AND....don't scream or cry or whine or even WHIMPER!!!"

I just scooted away as he left and turned off the lights.. it was just pitch black and it made me scared but if I made a noise he was kill me!!


Link pov: we searched everywhere for Liz but he was nowhere to be found until the police found the same black van the police broke into the house and grabbed my father and searched for Liz..."LIZ!?" I founded him "DADDY!!!!" I hugged him and he was crying his knee was bloody

But I carried him upstairs and they took my father in the police car we went home and I made sure I kept him safe in my arms and I'll never let go of my little baby he was only 5 my baby I want you to grow strong I dont want you to get hurt...or I'll regret you getting hurt.....I love you Liz.....

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