8.lucky save

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                           One month later...

Carter is sitting in class talking with yuki then the bell rings and they walk to there next class and bumped into Carmen "CARMEN NO WAY WE MISSED YOU!!" I hugged her tightly and so does yuki "yeah I missed y'all too how've y'all been?" Yuki then grabs her hands "we've been worried never do that again please.." she says calmly "also my brother said if you ever wanna vent you can vent to him he is a trained personal Therapist who works at home and it's free of charge" "wow thanks do you think I can do that after school?" "Yea anytime we'll see you Carmen"

Carter and yuki walk to there class together and they sit next to each other then a boy pulls carters hair "OoOoW?!!!??" The boy laughed and keeps pulling on my hair then yuki stars to punch him harder than I expected she is very strong like a beautiful girl she is. "Hey get off me you demon!!" Yuki got off of him and sat back down laughing "by the way never mess with me or my friends thanks"

"Wow yuki your very strong~" I had a dazed face cause of how strong she is "heh thanks Carter" she touched my thigh on accident but I wanted her to keep it there "oh after school sense Carmen is going to my house you wanna come too?" She blushed and noded

After class they both go to band and violin
Carmen sits next to Carter with her clarinet "carter?" She says feeling down "yes? What happened" something was wrong I know it "do you think your brother can pick up me and  yuki and you early please?"  Whenever she asks that it means she's getting bullied i noded and I asked to go to the restroom before band there's two stall for both boy and girl

So I went to the bathroom and texted my brother and he says he will during our fourth class as I head back to My seat with my clarinet "he will during fourth class" dang I have to be in gym class that time but okay"

In fourth class the three kids get picked up and Tyler turns around to look at the girls

Tyler pov: "okay girls you settle?" The girls noded and carter told me that Carmen needed to vent out to me which I take any requests for personal therapy some stories shocked me and   
Some stories made me tear up and I heard abit about Carmen's story and it made me feel hurt cause I was abuse when I was younger and carter was raped by my dad and I had to watch it was horrible

At home carter and yuki goes to carters room and Tyler sits Carmen down and he sits down infront of her with a pen and note pad "okay Carmen you can tell me anything and I will tell a soul okay?"  She nodded "..how've you ever cutted your self?"  I nodded unfortunately I felt that way a lot "well I've done that many times and it stared leaving scars and when it was time to take my pill....I over dosed" I rote down something in my note pad and wiped my eyes she kept talking about how she tried killing her self  family problems and etc..

Carter pov:"so yuki what do you wanna do?" She scooted closer to we're her leg touches my leg and leans in to kiss me I enjoyed it a lot then we hugged she is so cute I enjoy her being my girlfriend

Carmen pov:"and that's all that's been going on" I can tell Tyler is crying cause I saw him wipe his eyes a few time and sniffing he wrote a lot of Information about what I said "hey Carmen come here" he said in a sad voice I did as he says and once I got close he hugged me I then started to cry on his shoulder while he rubs my back comforting me as I finished crying he wipes my wet eyes "if you want you and yuki can spend the night here with Carter" "really?" I say with a happy and sad voice he nodded  I then went to carter and yuki and there just watching tv while cuddling "hey how was it" "good your brother said me and yuki can spend the night to look after me and y'all" yuki smiles and carter invites me into the room

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