⋆┊ ❛ 𝐈 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄...𝐈 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄 ❜ ┊⋆

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"How is he?" My brother asked as he walked up to me and cease

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"How is he?" My brother asked as he walked up to me and cease. I was quiet as I was covered in blood. I didn't say anything to my brother instead I just wiggled my trembling feet and began to play with everything I had. Speaking of my head I was thinking a lot, to answer my brother's question. I didn't know what happened how it all got to this point where he was really hurt. I didn't know.

"Lanny?" He called my name making a tear-eyed me shake even more in fear, I hummed under my breath as my nails were pending deeply on the edge of my teeth. More tears came down my eyes making me even more scared than before. I didn't why I was this nervous after finding out he was okay. That he was basically stabilized and resting at the moment I didn't know why I was still freaking out.

Cease held me closer as he comforted me. I looked back down to the floor in shame not eyeing my brother as he and cease began to speak to one another. I felt too embarrassed to be embarrassed I even felt myself tear up. My brother kept looking at me like I did something wrong but what did he expect this was all too much for me. I was having fear al around me.

"I'm deal with it when we get home." My brother said making me look up at him. Cease was confused about where his energy towards me. He looked at him and shook his head. "Not the time. Not the time." Cease whispered as he held me close. But my brother didn't care with one glare at me he quickly went and walked off probably to the desk to go see the results on pac. Even so, I didn't care what my brother was doing the only thing in my mind that was going on was pac. Only him.

"It's okay. It's okay." Cease told me as he let me cry on his shoulder. The more I cried the more I felt guilty. 

Soon we heard a woman screaming, screaming in pain. "Where is my son!" The woman yelled and quickly everyone in the er turned to her. This woman was a splitting imagine of pac, from style to features. I was guessing was afeni. The famous afeni in fact. A day didn't go by without pac telling me about her. How she was such a strong woman. But at this moment I didn't see a strong mom in my vision instead I just saw a scared one, one that was worried for her son, and completely I understood.

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