⋆┊❛ 𝙈𝙍𝙎 𝙎𝙃𝘼𝙆𝙐𝙍 ❜┊⋆

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As I walked down the aisle towards my soon-to-be husband, a smile lit up my face. I couldn't believe this moment was finally here. But as I got closer, I couldn't shake the strange feeling that something was off. I tried to ignore it, but the more I walked, the more tired I felt. It was as if my energy was being drained from me. Suddenly, I felt something wet dripping down my leg. I looked down to see blood seeping through my dress. Panic set in as I realized I was felt like I was dying, my baby bump, it's felt weird. It felt like I was dying with my baby.

I looked ahead trying to call out to pac but it seemed he faded from my view, I cried and I pleaded out to him but the only thing he did was smile at me seeming stuck out in a trance. "Pace!!!" I screamed for him, but it faded to black instead I was blinded by nothing but darkness.

I feel to the ground until I saw a light again behind me was my father standing at the other end of the isle, in his military uniform, I could feel the sadness from him oddly I could tell he was sad.

"Why did you forget about me my sweet lil lanny lan." He weeped.

"D-daddy." I stuttered as I realized it was a mirror of him standing there, in his hands a large shotgun - the same shotgun he used to take his own life all those years ago. "You don't need me, you've grown up. You don't need me." He repeated the words over and over, his voice cracking with emotion as he held the shotgun to his mouth. I stood frozen, unable to move or speak as tears streamed down my face. I had always wondered what it would be like to see him again, but I never imagined it would be like this. Not in a nightmare.

"You don't need me or Chris anymore."

"NOO!" I screamed until I was awakened, "please please wake up." I heard a voice say as I caught my breath, inhaled and exhaled quickly taking breaths by breath. "In and out." Pac told me as he rubbed my back. I began to do as he say as he calmed me down, thought as I was breathing I could feel shriver a coke all over my body.

"You all left me." I whispered my breath. I began to cry, "you all left me." I repeated as shout came from out of my mouth, pac slowly wrapped his arms around me taking me under him. He held filling his fingers in my hair.

"It's just another stupid nightmare, it's okay." He whispered, but I kept repeating it, I believed it. They left me before, my dad died, I could count down moment in my life when pac went to jail and I miscarried , that was all taken from me an a spilt of an eye and I was terrified. I never got over my dads death nor did I ever get over the fact that I bleed in a bathroom floor for hours and hours, those were all the most traumatic things that happened in my life and it was slowly coming back to haunt me.

Pac rock me side by side as I was the middle in between him. He put the cover me and talked his way in my ear, "Stop saying that, please stop." I could the sadness in his voice, it seemed what I said shook him up as well.

His hands traveled to my stomach, "We will never you leave you never again." He said and it put me back to eaze. He ensured me. I believed him, of course I believed him.

I believed with all of me.

A husband is suppose to protect and provide, I see that all in pac until the day I was ready to marry him, Love was in the air and my nightmares were out of my mind, it was valentines the day of love and family. I stood look at myself in the large mirror feeling on my small bump that was showing a length in my wedding gown, a big smile was on my face as only now but good memories were floating in, all that me and pac been through, here we were now about to have a family and about to get married. If I would

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