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"Wake up ! wake up!" I told pac as I shaked him awake. "Baby baby wake up, please." I rushed him as I began kissing his cheek. My heart was beating with excitement.

I could tell that Pac was hesitant to move out of the way, but I stayed firm in my decision. I leaned in close to his ear and whispered urgently, reminding him that we had to share this news with everyone. It was enough to finally get him to move quickly, "let me wash my face first." He whispered.

"That can wait, you 'll look the same anyways." I whispered not watching my words carefully. We both paused look at one another, I let out a chuckle and proceeded to come closer to him.

"I didn't mean it like that my little nugget." I wrapped my hand around his neck.

"My little sexy short dark chocolate hmmmhm." Even though we were the same height I still I lifted him up with my words. I rubbed my nose against his before laying a small kiss on his lips.

"Brush your teeth while you're at it, I'll be down stairs." I kept in my laugh as he stared at me with the most dirtiest look. He was grumpy from his nap so I expected it. I turn around and went to go out the room.

"He's coming down in a minute." I told everyone downstairs as I came slowly marching.i was feeling this late morning, so good that I was having a glow after my morning sickness yesterday.

When pac did come down I was sitting anxious before the little kids that were opening their presents . I had t'yanna in my arms as she was opening up her presents.

"I wish you would stop buying her Mickey Mouse shit." Jan sighed as she stared at the little outfits I got for her. "I told you me and pac were taking her and the kids to Disney world next month, my niece about to be pimped out what you talking about and matter of fact we all about to be pimped out cause we all going."

"I'm not going." Katari said as he shook his head. "Too late your shirt right in that box, enjoy it." I shrugged. "Aww shit so this is what inside," kadafi slowly began to put the box down in disinterest.

Pac took a seat next to me in his pajamas. "She got me one too. It doesn't look bad, it's just a black shirt and some Mickey Mouse ears."

"Man are you hearing yourself."


"Repeat what you just said."

"It's just a shirt with some mouse ears?" He questioned confused on what he said wrong, his cousin shook his head. "See you hang around lanny too much, your absorbing her weirdness."

"I'm not weird." I frowned. "You are very weird you really went bought three grown man two Mickey Mouse t shirts..."

"No I don't think it's weird but it is hella funny, and, don't be sensitive it's only a shirt." Rachelle said as she let out a giggle. Katari mocked that giggle making Rachelle roll her eyes.

"Nah he right." Kadafi said as he held up the shirt for himself. "It's weird looking though."

"It looks weird." He chuckled having no heart about my generous gift. I glared at them both my eye twitching in anger. "You're going." I made clear.

Katari hold in his laugh before easing away to his next gift, I turned my focus back on pac ignoring us and playing with t'yanna hands. I thought it was cute. He really wanted a baby, a little girl for that matter. I was glad that I could give him that.

"She looks just her momma and not her ugly fath-" when he said that breaking up the moment I was witnessing I smacked him on his back and glared.

"I was just playing." He snickered. "Y'all play too much." I added him and kadafi to the equation.

"He's not wrong I'm glad t'yanna never fell into Chris's looks." Jan laughed thinking it was hilarious. "My baby awww." Jan said as she saw t'yanna began to cry, clearly t'yanna was smart and knew what they were talking about.

"Move." I said to Jan as I comforted my niece. I rubbed her soft back. Whispering to her. "Y'all made her cry." Afeni caught glimpse.

"I'm sorry babygirl ." Pac said making t'yanna stare at him tear eye, she shook her head at him and laid her head back down on my chest, though she continue to stare.

"Hand me her gift that I got her." Pac looked from the crying child to katari was busy looking for stuff under the tree. "Ight." He looked for a present with y'anna name pac explained that he wrapped in black and pink since it was a little girly and a little more different from the rest of the kids.

Pac had handed the gift to t'yanna making me help slowly open it. When I opened it. It was a baby doll inside. It was sweet something that he got for her that she knew that she already had even though k'yanna  already had a baby doll. She still loved them.

"Say thank you uncle pac." I ushered her as I was clapping at her little gift, she looked at pac and smiled giving him a hug instead of a thank, awed filled the room as Jan was touched just like me with their little interaction.

"Okay, okay whose next?" Rachelle asked as she break the attention off the bitter sweet moment.

"Mom maybe you want to open your gift next" pac pointed out with a smile on his face, afeni had taken a seat back on the couch after she had grabbed a cup of coffee, she stared at pac confused.

"Didn't I tell y'all not to get me anything."

"I think you should open it ma." Pac smiled more as his white teeth shined. Afeni shook the box putting it back together as she shook it to her ear, I rolled my eyes looking at pac. "We both knew she was going to be dramatic."

Slowly afeni opened the gift when she got to it there was a small baby shoe box, she confused at first until she saw a little note on the side of it. "I guess now you'll be buying your GRANDCHILD SOME SHOES NEXT YEAR!" Her voice went up as the realization hit. It was her and the boys, along with pac's sister who were shocked.

Afeni looked at me as her hand went to her heart, she began to breath in and out, "Y'all better not be playing with me."

"I would never." Pac made clear as my voice came off sincerely. "You would, but lanny wouldn't."

"How far long are you?..."Kadafi asked me. "I'm 2 months I think now...I think." I thought for a moment, but I was sure I was or maybe half of that.

Kadafi thought for a moment but while he was thinking afeni came over to me and gave me a big hug, "oh my god, I'm going to grandma, oh! My god!" She squeezed me tightly. It seemed she was quickly convinced now. She was hugging me tight like I was the most important.

"So condoms just didn't exist?" Kadafi asked looking with the most bore look on his face. "I said the same thing, " Rachelle chuckled

"I don't think y'all should be saying that around the kids." Jan glared at them both. "Saying what?- I'm sorry." Kadafi quickly apologized as katari throw a pillow at him to shut up.

"I just can't believe it."

"Neither can I, it was out of the blue." Pac chuckled, that chuckle had some backstory to it, he knew my pregnancy out of the blue if anything he knew exactly why it happened.

"I'm happy for you cuz," He stated as he began to get up as well, him and pac greeted hands together along with a little side hug, then it came to me, katari gave me a hug as afeni was finally letting go of the one we additionally already sharing. I gave him a little hug before I became crowd with multiple hugs, kadafi joined in and of course the kids, it was sweet.

It was a sweet Christmas.

A very sweet one

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