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"The results came back and you are definitely pregnant." The doctor said to me as finally the official result came back."Congratulations, you two."

"Thank you." Me and pac both said to the doctor. "But again we aren't finished, I have to prescribe you something that can help since last time you were here all we gave you was ibuprofen, again I'm so sorry for the inconvenience because we could have ran tests like this when you were here already but we weren't sure. Since you were only dehydrated." She excused but it seemed the last time I was here they didn't care to check or not. Dehydrated my ass, maybe it had something to do with it but clearly I was showing the signs with my sickness.

"What are prescribing her?" Pac asked her. "Well, I was going to prescribe Tylenol it should be better for the headaches and maybe for the future nausea you might feel,"

"But doesn't ibuprofen help with that."

"Babe you can't take ibuprofen when your pregnant, it's has too much

"Yes he is completely right, you can't take ibuprofen or aspirin, it can deflect risk on the child and including it's heart." The doctor repeated what pac said, now I felt bad, ibuprofen was something I took last night, two of them at most.

A frown came on my lips, "I took two last night. You don't thi—" before I could say another word I felt pac's hand on mine giving me reassurance. I took a breath in.

"It won't do any harm, it's only when to commonly use it. It was only once, right?" The doctor asked me, I nodded. "Once...and I'll never do it again." I mumbled to myself.

The woman nodded, "hmmm. Okay that's good." But it wasn't not for me atleast, "Is there any way we could do like a check up, or an ultra sound to make sure ." I begged hoping she would agree. Which she did to my dismay, a ultra sound was something that we moved onto next while we were still here.

In the room though, I had a little flashbacks, from my last pregnancy and me being in this cold atmosphere again. Rachelle being beside me when she was the only person who knew, me being scared and alone. It all was just like a re deja vu for me.

But instead, in my hand, didn't lay Rachelle or a friend, it was pac's his hand, no one in the world, I didn't feel scared, him being there, him only made me feel unafraid of anything.

"It's very small, so it's going to take me a while to find the peanut."

"Peanut?"I asked.

"Well, you are early so his or her size is still in the embryo process, usually which is the size of a peanut. The funny little form." The doctor joked light heartedly making me become comfortable, she was doing good jokes toned it intense moods down and I knew pac was tense——his hands were shaking in mine.

I looked at pac who was looking directly at the monitor. I don't know what could have been going on in that big head of his but his expression gave me nothing but distress. Oh now he was distress? Imagine what I felt this past days.

"Come on bud, where you are you." The nurse whispered. My nerves had arised, we didn't have a problem last time with the ultra sound, the nurse before easily picked up a heartbeat—-but...I still lost it. It wouldn't be surprise if I magically lost this one too.

Boom boom boom. The echo scared me out of my thoughts I felt my heart racing from the jump scare. "Wow.." pac whispered.

"That's it is."

"It is like a little peanut." I said as I looked at the screen. "The darker spots show developing organs, and the small movements you see are early limb formations."

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