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No time or placement

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No time or placement

I sat on the toilet as I read the line well two of the lines. I didn't know what to do. I just couldn't believe it was true. I couldn't believe I was pregnant.

"Lante? Yo, you good in there?" Pac asked. I didn't expect him to be up so late especially when we crashed in a hotel. I remember leaving earlier and him being asleep. Why did he have to magically awaken now? Just why?

I gulped a hard swallow as I instantly put the test back in my purse. I would have thrown it away but I was shirtless if he saw it in the trash ban. I wondered if I could flush it but again the test would make the toilet stop. So I didn't have many options. I cleared my throat as I proceeded to pretend like I was washing my hands as I knew he was probably hearing me while I was in the bathroom. When I finished. I came out hiding the tiny purse behind my back.

I gave pac a smile as I saw him in bed laying down. He seemed half in his sleep so it made it easier for him to notice that I did have something behind my back. I put the purse down somewhere in a chair where my jacket rested.

"Where you went, I heard the door close earlier." His raspy voice spoke giving me the closure that he was still half asleep. I sighed before I came over to him in bed. I got under him not saying a word. "Lanny." He called my name as he noticed I wasn't saying anything.

"Where did you go? You left in a rush. What you was tryna escape me?" He asked as he wrapped his arm around me. I tried to think of an excuse but I really didn't want it to sound stupid when coming out of my mouth.

"You were throwing up. You had me worried." He mentioned making me sigh even more. With my back to his chest, all I could do was think. Did I either lie or tell the truth? But I couldn't see myself doing either, lying would only get me caught up, and telling the truth would just only me back. But again, the test could have been a false positive it wasn't like....no I was definitely pregnant. I hadn't even had my period yet.

"I had motion sickness. I had to go to the store because I got my period." I lied to him as it hit me. This was the best excuse I could come up with. It didn't sound so stupid but...it also wasn't true as I expected it to be. But how was I going to do this, tell this man that I was pregnant with his baby? How? He had so much going on...hell, I did. Why would I cause even more of a headache?

"Awww." He cooed me like a child as he kissed my shoulder. I felt so special, feeling his affection was an outlasting thing to have. He was truly the only man that loved me for me.

"Anything I could do?" He asked but I only shook my head. "Just hold me closer " I did add on making him do just that, when he held me I became so comfortable, like my worries, were washed away and he was the only one that became in my trust.

Pac's hand came over to my lower stomach, he traced circles around it. That message or that move sent almost tears to my eyes. Touching me in the place where his....well our baby was developing and he didn't even know. Gosh, why do I always have to be punished like this...just why?

The next day

"Rachelle I'm pregnant," I said on the phone as I came into my dorm. It was when I left that I had to call her. I assumed she was still in new york since she was staying with her aunt when visiting me. Rachelle was going to be here the week and really happy about it my support system. Telling her all she needed to know I knew she would be the only one to tell me what to do.

"Well, how do you feel?" She asked making me sigh. I sat on the bed as I notice I was in the room alone. I was thankful that my roommate wasn't around for this talk. Her judgy ass.

"I don't know. I threw up like three times already....but...I don't know."

"Well, hun. You gotta know. This is important now. Unexpected but important."

"Why do you say unexpected?"

"Because you're the last person I would know to get pregnant in the first place." She chuckled making me feel even worse. "Shit they came out so wrong." She covered her chuckle. I began to sigh even more though.

"What I mean is...you are you the miss goodie tissues who got into college and I'm well...I'm me. I didn't expect you to get pregnant if it was between you and me is what I'm saying."

"Your only saying that to make me feel better...your also slutshaming yourself."

"Is it working?"

"Not even close." I bored myself as I didn't find it even to close to funny or humorous. It just made me feel like a failure.

"Lanny. Don't be hard on yourself. Shit! This happens to every woman who has accidents."

"But that's it. Accidents like this don't just happen. We were using protection, and a condom, and I was strictly on birth control. I just don't understand we were being careful."

"Are you sure? Like you guys always used a condom. Like for every round?' Rachelle's noisy ass asked making me groan. "What! From the stories you tell me, you explain it as y'all do it all the time, surely pac forget to use it once. Maybe for just a little while." Rachelle tried to add up some of the opinions but I didn't know. I wasn't sure if we did or not.

"Are you going to the doctor? You have to at least find out how many weeks you are?"

"Funny. The test said I'm two weeks..." I said as I reached for my bag that was right beside me. When I popped the test out I rechecked it to make sure but I already had the date on my mind actually. "Two lines...two weeks...all clear in pink," I told the girl as annoyance hinted in my voice about it.

"Oh, damn girl...fuck Lanny..." Rachelle then sighed for me as she was now feeling what I was feeling. "Yeah.." I did as things got quiet. I began to think to myself but nothing really came to a holt. I knew Rachelle had questions but it was going to take some time for me to answer them for her.

"You still need to go to the doctor. Just to make sure ya know...you and that thing are okay."

"That thing?" I asked as I was confused about why she was referring to it like that.

"Well, it's not a baby yet. What do you want me to say." She slightly snickered making me roll my eyes. Here she go make fun of my situation once more.

"I don't know," I muttered. Again it went silent on the phone neither of us could speak. "I think I'm just going to take a nap..." I said to her. Rachelle began to sigh again.

"Can we at least meet up later on and talk about it."


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