⋆┊❛ 𝙎𝙉𝙊𝙊𝙕𝙀 ❜┊⋆

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It was nearing almost the end of December.

Days grow by and I got bigger and bigger by the second, I don't know if it was my eating or maybe it was the pre vitamins that I was on but either way I looked like I carrying in the weight of a bloated woman. But I wasn't that bloated it was a enough for me to hide it.

I hide it for many of reasons, pac and my mom were still the only people that knew. Our plan was to tell the whole family soon well until it came to the Christmas weekend we had planned.

While pac had a flight planned out to come back to New York for Christmas weekend with his family, I was stuck at home pulling everything into motion. I felt it was my job to make them feel welcomed as much as they made me feel welcomed when I was with them. Plus—-it calmed me, it made me feel better when I took the focus off the drama and kept it on what was important.

Decorating took some time but I had help, Rachelle had taken an early flight the day before just so she could spare me the exhaustion, Jan came around too, it slow, but she did, her and yanna which made me happy. She even agreed to spend Christmas with me which was a little shocking. She didn't care about how my brother felt, he had as much time with faith and Kim that clearly he wouldn't have feeling towards what she wanted to do anyways.

Laughter filled the room as us two girls were in the living room sipping on some hot coco.

"So...after the first time you got knocked up, condoms didn't just exist after that?" Rachelle asked trying to be funny.

"Why use condoms..."Jan out of anybody comment making Rachelle side eye her. "Of course you baby momma number 2 would say that."

"Hey, now..." Jan put her finger in defense, "I was his first until Jackie Chan took him from me."

"You wrong for calling faith Jackie Chan, Jan stop." I laughed as I refused to see Jackie Chan on faith's face. "But Jackie Chan still got ya man. I don't understand how y'all fighting over Chris the way y'all do. the conversation switch as my brother became the highlight.

"Lil Kim and faith are some bad bitch—-yet they all caught in a love triangle and one of them don't even know it."

"Wait big fucking on kim?" Jan asked confused, she didn't know accordingly. "You didn't know?"

"I thought she was just his artist..." She scanned us confused. "Artist my ass, I'm surprise faith hasn't found out yet."

"She don't know either?" Jan asked me but all I gave her in response was head shake, "Not but she had called me weeks before, saying that one his groupie called the house, I was dying on the phone." I let out a chuckle in as I explained.

"Chile it was a mess. I swear to god, I don't know what I would do if I was faith, having a random bitch call our home...I would kill pac even in general if he ever thought about cheating on me, like I'm deadass...I would cut his balls off and make him rethink his whole fucking existence."

"Now lante, you know you if that would happen you would be crying and throwing a fit."

"Or I would just get Chris to beat his ass, they already don't like each other but one of each can get an ass whooping from another if the other does me wrong, right?" I clearly joked to them, but I was serious, the only difference was if Chris did me wrong I would handle him myself but if pac did me wrong I would have my brother and a whole army of angry Niggas his way.

"That's cold hearted and messy," Jan added after I finished speaking, "And hormonal and hypocritical." Rachelle kept it real, I looked her way as she clearly disagree.

"Lanny, I love you, but come on now, you can't make a joke about that, you were already in the hospital because of the two and them stressing you out. If something like that did happen why would you want it to stress you out more?...you already carrying his baby, so like come on now." Rachelle pointed out the bigger picture. I thought to myself to, before slowly disbanding my eyes towards the stomach.

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