chapter 16

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Its been a week now since i move out and today iam going to moms company cause she ask me to.
I step out from the elevator and walk to the front door .

"Good morning Taylor" mila the receptionist greeted me. I greeted back. And walk to my car that the Butler already get for me, and drove off. To Design's company . As soon as i pulled off infront off the building one of the guard open my door and park my car i thank him. And walk inside. To the receptions desk . This is the 2nd time i went here so people here dont know me but they know that mom has a daughter ofcourse. So Whatever

"Hi ma'am, what can i help you?" She ask. In like a annoyed tone. Oh if iam her boss i would fire her. You don't treat your guess or client like that.

"Yeah, I would like to speak to Mrs. Paterson" i said nicely as possible i can.

"Do you have an appointment?" She ask.

"No, but she called me and ask me to come" i said if she only knew iam daughter of her boss.

" sorry but you ca-" she was cut off by someone calling me.

"Taylor!!" I turn around and hug her

"Wait your Taylor Nicole Paterson?" The bitch ask

"Yeah, lily got a problem with that? Jade said glaring at lily. So That 's the bitch name.

"No. Iam so Sorry Mis. Paterson" she apologize but no sincerity on her voice. I just nod. And walk with jade.

"She's a bitch" i said referring to Lily

"I don't know why your mom still didn't fired her, why are you here anyways? She ask as we enter the lift

"Mom, called and ask me to come, she said it's important"

"Maybe she is ready to give the company to you" i look at her and keep silent. I don't know if she is right.

"I don't know jade, I'm not ready to hold a big company you know"

"I know, and if it happened we will be here to help you, and besides its on your blood" she said smiling.
Maybe shes right. If mom can then so do i .

"I have to go to work" jade said as she step out of the elevator. I nod at her , and walk to my mom's office , knocking on her door.

"Come in" i heard her say.

Wow her office is beautiful. What can i except to to professional.
"Hi, Nic i miss you," standing on her desk and embrace me with hug.
I love it calling me Nic. Hah

"Hi mom miss you to, so why do called me" i ask.

"Please seat down" i do as i told.
And seat to the black leather couch.

"I called you here to tell you that..." what is gonna tell me.

"What mom"

"Your taking over the company" what!! Shit.

"What!!" I said standing up that cause mom to flinch.
"Oh sorry mom, it's just i-"

"It's Okay i know your not ready for this but i'm getting old Taylor" she said.
"We will be here to guide you , me , your dad, James and even jade, your already 20 tay i know your responsible enough for this"
That keep me silent and think. Maybe it's not that hard to run this company right, and i don't want to seat on my house forever. Maybe it's time for me to be capable. And i don't want my parents to be disappointed of me. I look at mom , she looks nervous on what iam gonna say. I smile at her. She weakly smile back.

"Okay mom, Maybe it's time for me to be capable right"

"Is that a yes?" She ask beaming of smile.

"Yes" i answer in duh tone.
"But mom"

"Yes " she answered worried.

"I liked you to fire lily" i said

"I was thinking about that lately, shes being a bitch like what i heard from the employees" I jump with joy. .
"Oh and Taylor your starting tomorrow" so soon.

"Okay can i go now?" I ask

"Sure be safe okay, love you" aaw my mom is so sweet.
" love you to mom" hugging and kissing her. And walk out and went home.


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