Chapter 2

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Today begins the new planting season for all in this region of the world. Daisy made her way to the Archer's home bright and early (well, it was still dark out so technically it wasn't bright yet). As soon as Missus Smith saw her she told Daisy to finish the curtains and meet her and the new gardening staff, along with Victor, the head groundskeeper, in two hours in the front room.

Daisy knew the curtains wouldn't take two hours so she slowly made her way to the back of the house first, hoping Hattie would share a bite of what she was cooking, it smelled divine. Before she made it to the kitchen she was accosted by Mister Johnathan.

"Good morning, Missus Marvin! How lovely I could see your face this day. I have added a few more of the Daisy flowers to the vase you left in my room yesterday. They are quite lovely and Victor says they're new blooms this season." Johnathan felt like an idiot sometimes, why was he talking about blooms and flowers? He truthfully didn't know Daisy all that well but he knew she accepted the gifts he gave her with sweet smiles, and he knew she enjoyed reading books his father lent her from their library. He was smitten with her (what he knew of her) and she was beautiful to him. Her golden hair always tidy behind her ears and pinned into a little bun at the nape of her slender neck and met with a beautiful, delicate jawline. And her pink lips! He could write sonnets about those lips and her big blue eyes. Don't even get him started on her little freckles and the smile she allowed him to see from time to time. God if only things could be different for them he'd really try harder than just a stupid comment about the season's blooms. What a fucking idiot he was sometimes.

With a small bow of her head and a tight little curtsy at his greeting Daisy beamed at him and watched as he began to flush, as he always does when she fixes her smile on him. She felt hot herself and knew her heart rate had picked up a bit at his presence. He was handsome and kind. "Mornin' Mister Johnathan. I'm pleased to meet you so early. What a wonderful way to start off my day. The flower is lovely. And the candy was tasty." Daisy found it funny how flustered he'd get in her presence. It was like anything she said held the most profound truths to him. She noticed that he had his mouth slightly agape as she spoke, as if she were a wonderful bewildering sight to him. She loved the affect she had on him. She dropped her gaze quickly to his crotch out of reflex and then quickly back to his eyes. She hoped he hadn't noticed her slip up but he if he did he certainly didn't seem to mind.

"Planting season begins today, which is why I'm assuming you're here early. We have a new gardener coming in but he's already late, so we will find out if he's fit to stay on once he does arrive. I will be coming early today to help with updating the house plan to accommodate new staff for the season since Missus Smith is very busy today with the staff change as well. It would truly be wonderful if we could afford a true house manager for things like this but, alas, we are only allowed what we can afford." He smiled and kicked himself again. Any time he had opportunities to speak with Daisy one on one they rarely ever spoke about anything personal or interesting. Johnathan always seemed to bring it back to work talk.

Daisy nodded along with Johnathan as he spoke and smiled. In the back of her mind she was hungry and hoping he'd head off since the conversation was boring, but she did like his company and enjoyed how kind he was to her. He also smelled so good.

"Right, the new gardener. Harry, I think it is? Well, if he cannot be here on time on his first day that really does not say good things about his work ethic. I hope all goes well with the house planning today, Mister Johnathan. I'll let you be now. I must finish some of my leftover duties from yesterday."

At that the two smiled and parted going on their own way. Daisy proceeded to the kitchen and was met with the warmth of the oven and the smell of dough being cooked and something smelled of apples and cinnamon perhaps?

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