Part 15*

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Daisy was beside herself upon arriving home. She couldn't stop the feeling of excitement at Harry's sensual words. He spoke slowly and deeply into her ear, his lips brushing at her earlobe as he moved his mouth. I love you, my goddess. Wow. Harry was truly a romantic but he had some issues to work through, she kept telling herself. She couldn't be a pushover but god did she want to just go with him to wherever he'd be staying and have him stuff her full. For the first time in months that night, Daisy felt the heat of an urging she couldn't wait to take care of with her own hands. She wanted Harry's hands and mouth and cock to take care of it but it was better this way. Better to take it slow this time around.

When Daisy's sister, Lillian, saw her come in (their mother had gone to bed already) she immediately questioned her about where she'd been.

"Come into our bedroom," The house was small with only two bedrooms where the sisters shared a room, "and I'll tell you. Don't want to wake Mother."

Lillian grabbed Daisy's wrist and eagerly pulled her into their bedroom. Lillian was a couple of years younger than Daisy but she was just as lovely and smart. Plopping down onto her bed and pulling Daisy down next to her, Lillian propped her leg up onto the bed and turned toward Daisy in anticipation of something interesting to hear. Lillian had been at home all day and needed to be entertained.

"So, do tell! You were so quick to leave after bathing that I didn't get a chance to ask you more! I'm so curious!" Lillian began unpinning her hair as Daisy felt herself warm at thinking of Harry and how she was to tell the story. So, she began with the beginning of their story and told Lillian everything. Lillian was definitely entertained by the love story of Daisy and Harry and was on the edge of her seat until the end of Daisy's recounting. Of course Daisy left out some of the naughtier details but she implied them and Lillian was giggling and wide eyed during the whole thing.

"So, I'll be seeing him tomorrow. He'll be coming here in the afternoon to get me once he's done working. I don't know how to go about everything with him but I do love him and I long for us to be together again. But I can't just allow him to step into my life so easily without understanding his missteps. I think he feels awful and he was really tortured himself, but I just need some time to feel like I can truly trust him again."

"I agree. He seems to have been able to acknowledge his mistakes but then he still did it. Who's to say it wouldn't happen again? But he does sound so handsome, Daisy. I can't wait to see him tomorrow to really put a face with the description." Daisy was so glad to be able to talk about this with her sister. She'd told Ophie about it but not the latest because at the time she couldn't bare to rehash how her heart had been broken. But now, with Harry back in the picture, she felt like she could talk about it and it was healing.

Harry had about an hour ride to his apartment. He considered staying at the Inn Daisy had suggested but he'd save that for tomorrow and Saturday night so he could stay near Daisy. The town he needed to go to tomorrow was closer to his home so he thought it best. He didn't like taking his carriage too far at dark but this was the best option for him so he could be near his home and get things he'd need for the weekend since he planned on being away.

During his ride home he couldn't help but smile and chuckle to himself. Daisy was willing to see him again and she hugged him and rubbed her fingers through his hair. He felt he was floating and nearly in a dream on his way home. In fact, once he arrived at his home he realized he didn't remember half of the trip because he was in such a daze thinking about Daisy. He secured Charlie (his horse) to the outer stable and removed the cart to lock it inside the stable. He did everything with a skip in his step. He hadn't felt so excited in a long time.

Instead of stopping tonight at the pub for a drink (or an entire bottle of gin) before going to bed, he went straight into his room to strip down and rub at his half hard cock. He hadn't had a good orgasm in months. He had been depressed and not in the mood for it at all. Sure there were the occasional quick jerk offs to relieve some physical aches but he didn't enjoy it. Though, tonight, he fully allowed himself to indulge in his fantasy girl, Daisy. With the light of only one dim lamp in the corner of the room and Harry's pants and underwear off, he lay on his bed with his legs bent and spread. He rubbed cream onto his palms and began to slowly take himself into his hands, working from his thick shaft up to his blunt tip. He thought back to when he fucked Daisy on that last morning, with her bottom facing him, and that remembrance led to how good she would suck him off. The way she looked with her mouth stuffed with him and tears down her face, all the while moaning in delight herself. His heart pounded in his chest at the memories and he jerked his hand a little faster.

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