Chapter 8*

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Daisy's bed was small and it was difficult to find a comfortable position for both Harry and herself that evening. After another quick round of sex they were tired but sleep didn't come easy on Daisy's bed.

An hour or so into finally falling asleep Harry woke up yet again holding Daisy close to him, her back to his front. It was the most comfortable way to sleep on the small bed. His face was buried into her neck and she smelled delicious. Her hair was soft and so was her whole body really. He squeezed her in closer to feel her press into him and he was suddenly no longer very tired but aroused once again. He shifted his hips slightly and pressed himself into the roundness of Daisy's soft bum. They were both naked because after having sex they were too tired to move from the bed so they pulled the covers up over their bodies for warmth.

Harry could feel Daisy stir in his arms and she moved her bum back against him. She felt his hard prick laying against her bottom and it brought her to life immediately. She pushed back against him again wondering if he was sleeping with a hardon or if he was awake. If he'd been awake she wouldn't have minded having him slip right into her for another round, another orgasm for them both. When Harry lifted his head and kissed at her neck and up to her jaw she sighed and wriggled contentedly and moaned sleepily.

"Did I wake you up, kitten?" Harry whispered into her ear before kissing her lobe and pressing himself harder into her. Harry's hands wandered over the front of her body to squish her breasts and then lowered a hand to lightly rub over her pubic bone.

Daisy moved her face so that she could nearly see him from her position and spoke in a quiet whisper, "It's hard to sleep when there's a large man in my bed with a hard cock pressing into my bum." She lifted her leg a little and reached between them to feel his erection and Harry groaned at her touch. Daisy was just about to turn over when Harry held her hips tight to keep her faced away, "Want me to take care of you again?" He brought a hand lower to over her labia and could feel that she was beginning to feel wet already. He rubbed a finger up and down, spreading her wetness as Daisy angled her butt just so that he could slip in if he pleased.

"Yes. Take care of me, Daddy. I'm ready for you." With a slight movement of her hips to angle herself and the help of Harry bringing her leg up he slowly pressed himself back into her cunt. It was tight and took a bit of pushing before he entered her fully but once he was there he began pushing into her slowly, using his hips to get the perfect angle. They both moaned and Harry brought a hand up to hold onto Daisy's little hand, intertwining their fingers together. Harry kissed and licked at her neck and jaw as he fucked into her from behind and Daisy's whimpers and moans were sleepy and quiet but the squeaky bed could be heard in the bedroom below. Daisy hoped the sisters were sleeping and weren't being woken up by their middle-of the night romp but Daisy also didn't care enough to stop because Harry felt so good slowly whacking his hips into her.

This position took a little time for Daisy to come but they were in no hurry. After nearly 20 minutes of Harry working hard to bring Daisy to her end she did finally come with a cry and clenching around his cock so good that Harry nearly didn't pull out. In fact, he came a little inside of her before pulling out and coming over her ass.

After both had come they were too tired to get up and wipe off properly. Harry leaned over to pick up the scrap of cloth from the floor that they'd used previously to wipe Daisy's bum and back of his come before they both fell into a deep sleep once and for all.

When the little alarm went off on Daisy's bedside table with its annoying metallic clinking sound she shot up and smashed her hand over it to stop the sound. Harry blinked his eyes open and stretched. They'd maybe had a total of three hours of sleep - maybe. But Harry was fine with it, and Daisy was too. Just thinking of the night they'd shared together had them both feeling hot when they were facing one another in the dark of the early morning, both naked on the bed. Daisy leaned over Harry and rubbed his chest with her soft palm before placing a kiss on his lips. Harry smiled into the kiss and pulled her down to him. They both opened their mouths to deepen the kiss and it quickly turned hectic and sloppy. Both moaning and wanting more, Harry grabbed Daisy's hips and brought her to straddle him.

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