Chapter 18*

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Daisy going to on the train and leaving Harry was a bit of a sad event for the lovers. In the morning Harry was gentle and attentive to her. She was quite sore from their activities the night before and sitting down on her bottom was uncomfortable but she loved having the reminder of him.

Harry brought her to the train station reluctantly. They stood at the platform and he held her close, his mouth over the top of her head as he spoke, "Please don't go. Stay with me, my love." Daisy smiled and held on to Harry's strong arms that he'd tightly wound around her.

"Hopefully soon we won't have to do this anymore. I will write you every day."

When the train came Harry let go of Daisy and watched as she boarded with the rest of the passengers. He had just gotten her back and now she's gone again. He wouldn't be able to touch her or speak to hear for two more weeks. He didn't know how he could last. And Daisy couldn't hold back her own tears as the train left to the station. She'd be away from him again with no way to know how he was. Sure he could write her but it could take a few days for the letter to arrive. She hated leaving him. She wished there was an easier way but luck didn't allow it for them. Not yet anyway.

Daisy and Harry were happy under their longing, though. They were happier than they'd been in quite some time. Even when they couldn't be with one another, they knew they had one another. They were going to make it work until they could finally always be together.

And things settled quite normally for the pair. Harry worked and Daisy worked. They would get off in the evening and eat dinner, read a book, and then go to sleep, just to do it all over again. Usually they would also write to one another, a letter about how their day was and they'd drop the post the following morning on their way to their respective jobs.

A week after Daisy had gone back to the town she lived in she got a letter from Harry. It was two pieces of paper, handwriting on the front and the back of both. It was a sweet letter, filled with promises and a lot of declarations of feelings and of course a few spicy things added in about what he wanted to do to her. Each day thereafter Daisy had a new letter in had from Harry, something to hold onto until their next meeting.

Harry was in the same boat, having received Daisy's first letter to him around a week after she'd gone. He kept all of her letters in the top drawer of his dresser. He'd pull the letters out and read each one over again before opening the newest one to read it. It became a ritual for him. He'd masturbate as he'd read the dirty things Daisy wrote him. She was naughty too. Telling him how much she missed his big cock in her mouth. How she touched herself at night thinking of him and how her bottom hurt, but reminded her of Harry each time she sat for the first week after he'd fucked her bum. She told him she couldn't wait to do it again and she'd been prepping for him.

Two weeks away from one another went slowly but it was also met with a lot of anticipation and excitement that comes with looking forward to something. On Saturday afternoon after Harry was done with his work he got on the road and headed to his love. It was a long trip but he was nothing but happy the entire time. He'd be seeing Daisy as they had planned. And Daisy couldn't wait to see her lover. She had prepared for his arrival by buying things for them to eat and cleaning her room. She figured they'd be spending most of their time together in her bed. She did warn her roommates about it, offering apologies in advance and giving them each a gift of lemon curd cake slices from the market.

When Harry had arrived the sun had already gone down. He wanted to make the late trip so he could be with her in her for as long as possible, even if she did have to work on Sunday. The plan was that he would stay until early Tuesday morning and go back to work then. It would be a long and tiring morning but it would be worth it.

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