Chapter 19*

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Daisy's days went slowly by as she waited for the evening Harry would arrive. She was a little bummed because her menstrual period would be coming about the same weekend she'd see Harry. She knew he didn't mind, though. He'd still have her feeling incredible and she really just wanted to be near him anyway.

Hattie gave Daisy extra sweet buns and one left-over pan de chocolate on the day Harry was to arrive. It was more than she'd normally give Daisy at one time so hiding the goodies as she was leaving failed in the worst way.

"Missus Marvin! Excuse me!" Daisy turned at the sound of her work name being called. It was Lady Archer, who was wearing quite the scowl.

"Yes, my Lady?" Daisy shifted her stance, trying to hide the baked treats under her apron the best she could but she had a feeling that it was too late.

"What have you there?" Lady Archer pointed at the lump under Daisy's apron and Daisy felt herself prickle in embarrassment and shame. She had been caught. It was the first time in her years at the Archer house that she was caught with anything. She'd stolen small items of value in the past and took (usually with Hattie's permission) some of the baked goods or food that was leftover and it never raised attention until now.

"Well, I... I am sorry, my Lady. I took some old pastries that were going to be tossed." Daisy pulled her apron to the side and revealed the buns and treats.

"You should be sorry. You're fired. I cannot have a thief working under me. I'll tell Missus Smith promptly of your dismissal. You can come back next week to get your final pay."

"No! Please! Here... have them back! I thought it would be no harm. They were old and sat near the sink, the ones that get tossed in the evening. I'm so sorry! Please, my Lady! I need this job."

The truth was, they weren't the old ones but that was always the plan, to say they were old if Daisy were to ever get caught. And of course, Daisy would never snitch on Hattie either. She'd take the fall for it if necessary.

"I've had my eye on you for some time Daisy and you've been more trouble than you're worth. I've heard some negative comments about your tidying habits from my daughter, Miss Archer for many months now as well. You've really started to slack off, and now this? I cannot keep you on any longer. This is dishonest and it makes you untrustworthy, even if these are old stock. Please, take the sweets, no one will want them after they've been hiding under your apron and touched all over. Come back next Wednesday for your last pay, the cost of the sweets will be deducted."

Daisy was beside herself. She couldn't understand that this was the final straw. It just couldn't be! For a few small treats? Daisy began to feel faint, and her tears started to stream down her face before she could control her emotions.

She was stuck in her spot, unable to move or think or breathe. It was all too much. The faintness began to turn into dizziness and Daisy knew she was about to pass out. The world began to look fuzzy as her head floated away from her body and then she passed out in the garden.

A few hours away, Harry was in a chipper mood. He'd finished his work early and was already on his way to Daisy. He had a special surprise for her that he couldn't wait to give her and see the look on her face. He imagined the scenario over and over in his head of her reaction and he was bubbling with joy.

Back at the Archer House, Daisy was brought back in to be looked over. She came to rather quickly, her faint spell not lasting long. She was given water and odd looks from Missus Smith.

"Are you okay to get home in this state, Daisy? I'm sorry about what happened but Lady Archer has good reason to dismiss you, even though I feel it was a hasty one. You're my best worker and it's a shame, but you ought to know better than to steal, darling."

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