Chapter 7*

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Harry looked around Daisy's small room and could see that she had collected some interesting items. She had a record player and a small collection of records, a small wooden vanity with a long mirror leaned on top toward the wall upon which sat various glass bottles and pots of beauty products, as well as a hair brush, and pins for her hair, she had colorful quilts folded inside of an open chest that sat in the corner of her room, a thin brown wool rug sat under her small white iron frame twin bed which was in the very center of the room against the wall; there was a white painted armoire with a small mirror inlayed into one of the doors, which sat in the opposite corner from the chest, a small window with white curtains was on the wall between the armoire and the chest, and underneath it was a small, homemade looking bookshelf filled with books of all kinds, and on top of the bookshelf was a candle holder, a red doily (most like the red item Harry could see from the alley) and a metal box with a lock; next to her bed, on the side closest to the window, was a side-table with an oil lamp, another candle holder, sat upon another red doily, and next to that a book underneath a pink glass pot of cream or powder, and finally, a large jug of red wine sat on the floor next to her bed. He noted she had no art or pictures hung on her walls. She didn't have much but what she did have seemed to be of good quality and he was impressed that she had a music player along with so many books.

"Eager to see me, then, kitten?" He licked his lips and watched as she rolled her eyes and moved away from him to walk toward her bed to pick up the bottle of wine. She took a small swig and sat down on her bed making the frame squeak under her weight. He observed her fresh face and glowing skin as well as her thin yellow dress that really showed the shape of her body in the way her work dress did not.

"Asks the man who just walked in the dark for almost an hour to come and see me. I'd say you're the eager one here, Harry." She laughed to herself, keeping eye contact with him. He looked so strong, even with his coveralls on. She'd seen him naked on Connie's bed that morning but now she'd be seeing him up close and she was feeling quite needy after she got a taste of him that morning. He had stretched her out in such a delicious way that she could feel him with her all day.

Harry smiled widely and chuckled as he walked across the room to sit next to Daisy on her bed. Daisy's bed was not as soft or big as Connie's but he was already so much more excited to be here with Daisy and they hadn't even gotten down to it yet. "Says the lady who watched me get sucked off by another woman this morning and then was so desperate she masturbated to the scene in the tiny powder room right before begging for my cock." Daisy gasped. She was not sensitive to things to do with sex, and she was far from a prude but his remarks about him being with Connie did make her feel a twinge of shame about herself. She did seem desperate, didn't she? He had just been with Connie prior to coming to Daisy. And even if he said he left Connie after that because he couldn't orgasm and preferred to finish with Daisy it was still not ideal. Daisy looked down to the bottle of wine trying to think about what to say or if she should continue with this or not.

Harry noticed her quick change in demeanor and realized he might have pushed it with that remark but he was the desperate one really. He was desperate for her to understand that he was excited to be with her and no one else. He hadn't been so eager to be with a woman in a long time. Harry let out a sigh and turned to Daisy, bringing his palm up to her chin to nudge her face toward him so he could look at her when he spoke, "I apologize for bringing that up. I didn't mean to sound insensitive but the truth is that I am truly the desperate one here. You're right. I haven't been so excited to see a woman in some time. I haven't stopped thinking about you. Did I ruin this?" He looked concerned with his forehead scrunched and his frown lines apparent. Daisy was taken aback by his confession of being excited to see her and admitting to being desperate. She couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face.

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