Chapter 11*

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Just as promised, Harry showed up at Daisy's at half past 8. He'd half jogged to get there as quickly as he could but on his way he stopped and bought flowers for her and sticky pudding for them to share.

When Daisy greeted him on the stoop of her apartment she jumped into his arms and they embraced one another for some long moments. When Daisy finally released Harry she stood back and noticed the beautiful flowers in one of Harry's hands and something wrapped in paper and twine in the other.

"Is this for me?" She questioned pointing at the flowers. Harry nodded and grinned. He also lifted the hand with the paper wrapped pudding, "This is too. Well, for us to share. Sticky toffee pudding. I hope you like it."

Daisy felt she would cry again. She brought her arms around him again and squeezed him hard and then leaned up on her tip toes to kiss him on the lips.

"Thank you. But you're still on watch, mister. Can't sway me gifts that easily. Now come on, let's get inside."

Daisy took the flowers and the pudding from Harry once they got to her room. She was looking down at the small bouquet that was just perfect for her and then looked back to Harry who was still standing near her door. He scratched the back of his neck and puffed his cheeks out before speaking, "Mind if I use the bathroom? I nearly ran here and I've worked up a little bit of a sweat. Maybe I could rinse off quickly?"

Daisy nodded and brought Harry downstairs to the 2nd floor where the bathroom was. She entered the small space with him, closing the door behind her. She began grabbing things he'd need to use, a cloth, some soap, and she even brought out a clean towel as well. She handed him the pile of necessities and he leaned down to kiss her again, his arms full of the things she'd just given him. The kiss turned from sweet and soft to hasty and hard. They both moaned Harry dropped the items so he could bring his arms around her waste and tuck Daisy into him closer. The simple act of the kiss was enough to have them both panting and needing more but then Harry slowed down the kisses, knowing he'd need to wash up no matter what. There was no way he was going to have her endure his stench especially since he wanted everything to be perfect for them tonight. A sweaty hog would not do for his beautiful flower.

"Okay. That was preamble for what's to come, love. I'll be done quickly. I just really want to smell somewhat decent for you." He kissed the tip of her nose and smiled down at her.

"Preamble? So more kissing to come? I honestly am more excited about biting into that sticky toffee pudding than anything. So, hurry up so we can start eating it. I'm starved!" She teased. The truth was Daisy could care less about the pudding (though she did love pudding and it was her favorite). She couldn't wait to be with Harry and talk with him, and kiss him, and make love to him. She'd been miserable these past days without him and she really could use his attention more than anything else.

"Sure. I get it. Don't blame you at all. I'll be done quickly."

While Daisy waited for Harry she unwrapped the pudding to get a look. She had quite the sweet tooth and this looked amazing. She took a bit off and dropped it into her mouth to get a quick tasted. Perfection. She then went on to remove some of her layers and undo her bloomers, slipping them off, until she was only in her white under clothes and a robe to keep herself decent. The weather had turned hot and she was grateful that she her toes and fingers weren't always freezing nowadays. She pulled out her bottle of wine and placed it on the bedside table and put her record player on to a sweet song she enjoyed.

It was maybe ten minutes later that Harry arrived to her door with a quick rap before he turned the knob and pushed the door open and stepped in looking fresh and smelling decent. He closed the door and locked it behind him and took long strides across the room to embrace Daisy fully. He squeezed at her and kissed her neck with hot kisses all the way down to her collarbone. He swayed them back and forth to the music and spun Daisy out, and then back into his arms. He nuzzled his nose into her neck and breathed her in. He'd missed her so much.

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