Chapter 20*

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Settling in at Harry's was not hard. Harry made the transition as easy as possible. He'd been planning for Daisy to move in with him before he'd asked her to marry him. He bought rugs, an armoire for her clothes and accessories, hung new art, and made space for the things of hers that he knew she'd bring (like her records and music player). He also bought a new bookshelf for her and began adding books he thought she'd like.

So Daisy was on cloud 9 with Harry. They would get to spend everyday together from now on and there wasn't anyone else she'd rather be around all the time.

The following week after moving in with Harry, Daisy and Harry made the trip back to the Archer's house so Daisy could pick up her final pay. Harry drove them in his small carriage and parked outside of the Archer residence gates. They walked in together and were greeted by Mister Johnathan. He saw the two together and was quite taken aback. He hadn't expected Daisy to show up with Harry. He'd made a point to stay at the house on this day, specifically so he could catch Daisy when she arrived. But the sudden realization of what stood before him changed everything.

Johnathan knew that Daisy had already declined his offer of courtship, but he still had feelings for her. In fact, nothing in his heart changed at all for her. He decided this would be his last-ditch effort. To try and win her one last time before she left his life for good. He couldn't live with himself knowing he didn't try one last time to earn her consideration. His mother's opinion be damned.

But here she was, as sweet and vivacious as ever, and she was with Harry. And Johnathan wasn't a fool. He knew something had happened between them, but he also knew that the coward fled and went missing, leaving Daisy behind. Johnathan didn't want to be the kind of man who would attempt to manipulate a broken-hearted woman, but this was his last chance. He'd waited months, his intentions were to wait for long enough that he felt she was moved on from Harry, and then he would try to offer Daisy courtship again. Because he knew that she returned his affections at one time. Before Harry.

Mister Johnathan led the pair into the front room and nodded at both Daisy and Harry. He tried to calm himself, wanting his voice to come out even and confident, "Good afternoon, Harry and Missus Marvin." He turned to look Daisy, "I assume you are here to receive your final pay?"

Daisy nodded, "Yes. I was told I would pick it up today." She stood still, feeling awkward and guilty. Not guilt because she'd arrived with Harry, no, she was proud about having him with her. She felt guilty for all the small things she'd stolen and the reason for her being fired was due to her bad habits. Her nonchalance about doing something that was pretty rotten, even if it was mostly harmless things like baked goods, and small hair clips wasn't the kind of thing she wanted people to remember her by.

Mister Johnathan gestured toward the couch and looked to Harry, "You can have a seat if you like. I'll bring Missus Marvin up to my father's study so she can receive her pay."

Harry didn't sit, "I'd prefer to go with her, or you can just bring the pay to us down here."

Daisy shot a look at Harry to cool it. She didn't want to make this even more awkward than it was. Harry nodded at her when he saw the warning in her eyes, and then moved to sit down on the couch. Harry still had to work on his possessiveness and jealousy but he was getting better with the occasional reminder from Daisy.

When Daisy and Johnathan went into the hallway near the staircase he stopped and so Daisy stopped and turned around to see Johnathan with a small frown and a far off look in his eyes. He stepped in closer to her and lowered his voice as he spoke, "Are you and Harry courting?" He needed to know. If she was then he would let this go, but if not...

"We're engaged to be married." Daisy lifted her hand to show off her gold band.

Johnathan's brows shot up in surprise but the sadness in his eyes couldn't be hidden. He was very disappointed in this news. He didn't realize Daisy and Harry were still together. He thought she'd been broken hearted all this time but he must have been mistaken.

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