Chapter 16*

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Daisy and Harry stayed in his room, mainly on his bed for the entirety of the day and so needless to say that she also slept over that evening, far too tired to even consider going anywhere. Harry had fucked her good and proper. Her legs were wobbly; her butt was sore and red from his palms; she had tiny bruises along the insides of her thighs, over her breasts, on her neck, on her hips, and peppered over her tummy; and last but not least her cunt was sensitive and overused (in the best way). Harry was exhausted too. His legs weren't sore like Daisy's but he had some bite marks and bruises of his own.

When Daisy's eyes reluctantly fluttered open on Sunday morning she sighed contentedly knowing she was lying next to Harry in the room he'd booked. She rolled over to face him and he was just beginning to stir himself. He'd made the cutest groan Daisy had ever heard as she pecked his lips and quietly whispered good morning to him. He couldn't help the dimple that dug its way into his cheek as he grinned widely at the lovely woman in his arms. He reached his hand up and smoothed out her long hair and leaned in to return the kiss.

It should not be surprising to hear that their sweet morning kiss turned into something a little more steamy very quickly. Both Daisy and Harry were completely naked and wrapped up in one another. Harry's prick slowly plumped up as it rubbed lightly into Daisy's sparse hairs on her cunt. She could feel him hardening and she took full advantage of the moment by wrapping her legs around him so she could feel it full and heavy on her. They sighed into one another's mouths as they kissed and licked.

"Darling, I've got a delivery to make this morning..." but Daisy was quick to push him down to the mattress and straddle him. She rubbed her pussy, already starting to become wet, over his hardening prick and spoke, "Then we just have to be very quick."

Daisy positioned herself over him and sunk down onto his cock as Harry held onto her hips tightly. He gritted his teeth at how tight she felt around him. He could never get enough of her. She soon began to glide over him as his pubic bone rubbed into her clit perfectly. They moaned and whined quietly in the early morning. The loudest noise in the room was the slight knocking of the headboard against the wall and the slick sounds of Daisy's cunt moving over Harry's prick. Daisy continued to drag herself over Harry, keeping her clit and pubic bone in contact with Harry's skin. In this way, Daisy would be able to come to orgasm quickly and then she and Harry could get on with their day as Harry needed to leave soon.

As Daisy sat upward while still moving her hips, both she and Harry were keeping eye contact. Harry's hard cock was being sucked in by Daisy's warm and wet pussy and his toes began to curl. She felt so good riding him like this. Daisy whined out a little louder than they had been, her morning voice finding her vocal cords finally. Harry started to move his hips upward to get as deep as possible inside of Daisy. She whined louder yet and moaned Harry's name into the room.

"I know baby. I know. Feels so good like this on daddy's cock, huh?" He slammed up into her harder and it bucked Daisy upward. The wet sounds of their flesh smacking together echoed through the room and the knocking of the headboard against the wall became faster, louder.

"Daddy! Yes! You're too big inside of me! Oh my god! I need to come. Can I come, Daddy? Fuck, ahhha!"

Harry's eyes rolled to the back of his head with Daisy's admission of his size. He loved being told he was too big. He knew he wasn't too big, but he knew he was larger than most and his ego loved that about himself. He fucked upward to meet her own hips coming down over him and he gulped to respond, "Yes. Come on daddy's cock, baby. Just like that." Harry guided Daisy by her hips and the bed frame squeaked under their dizzying pace. Daisy rocked herself over Harry to give her clit maximum pressure as Harry continued thrusting into her relentlessly.

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