Chapter 4*

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Walking through the gates to the Archer House at 6:15 in the morning, Daisy noted that the gardeners and groundskeeper were already at work, including Harry. Daisy didn't give him a second look, though. She didn't want him to see any weakness in her nor give him the satisfaction of having her eyes on him. Missus Smith told her that Miss Archer would be arriving with a lot of luggage from her trip at around 10 in the morning, while Lady Archer would be arriving in the early afternoon sometime along with her sister, Perry, who would be staying with the Archers through the weekend.

Daisy began her normal routine of tidying the children's rooms first thing (though they were hardly children at this point). This morning Master Bradley was not in his bed fast asleep but he was at his desk sketching something.

"G'mornin' Master Bradley. May I come in and make your bed? Do you require anything?" She smiles and picked up a lump of clothes from the ground tossing the dirty coverings into the basket in the hallway.

Bradley looked up at Daisy, seeming to not have been expecting her, "OH! Missus Marvin! Top of the morning to ya. Please, go ahead and pick up my pigsty. I require nothing other than the usual. How are you? I haven't seen you in a few days."

Daisy continued her tidying as she spoke, "I've been just as good as always. My life can be a bore, but not tonight! Tomorrow is my day off and I'm heading out to Grunthan's pub with Ophie this evening, ya know the one where all the harlots go?" She laughed, "How are you? What've you got there?" she asked as she leaned near his desk to see that he was drawing a suite and filling in a pattern over the lapels.

"Designing a suit I'd like to wear to the next ball. I'm going to send Lillian to find the fabric and threads. I think I'll need at least three shades of this red and then black, white, and green..." he spoke as he pointed to each section. His design was beautiful but quite loud, however it would fit Bradley's personality perfectly.

"I love it, Bradley. You'll stun the whole ball. No one will be able to keep their eyes off of you, handsome creature..." she ran her fingers through his hair and smiled down at him. She really loved Bradley and his oddities. There weren't many people like him and she appreciated his boldness.

Bradley cupped his hand over hers and kissed her knuckles and laughed, "My dear! You flatter me! I just want to turn heads like you do, and the only way to do that is to wear something a little outrageous, no?" They laughed together as Daisy began tucking the sheets into Bradley's bed.

"You know... I would love to go to dirty Grunthan's pub like a harlot. You get to live life on the edge and I just love it, Missus Marvin. If I were to go there mum and dad would kill me. They'd have my head! I'm already on thin ice as it is. He saw me sneaking out Gerald the other morning, well, either that or Johnathan saw and tattled, but somehow he knew and he confronted me about our family name and embarrassing the legacy. I say, how nice to be someone who can go about life like you do."

Daisy paused, she didn't know who would've told Sir Cyril but it couldn't have been Johnathan as he seemed to have already been gone from the house by the time Gerald would have been snuck out.

"Well, I wouldn't say my life is that grand, Master Bradley. I do enjoy getting drunk and finding a good fuck for the night, though. That's the goal. I haven't been laid in a few weeks and a girl's got her needs."

Both Daisy and Bradley roared with laughter at their scandalous private discussion but what they didn't realize was that Harry had made his way up to the second level to seek out Daisy. He wanted to corner her again, get her riled up. He saw her enter through the gates and he assumed (correctly) she'd be starting on the second level like she had yesterday. And it goes without saying that he was startled to hear their conversation. First, he was startled to hear that one of the Archer sons was likely sleeping with a man when he mentioned a Gerald fellow. Second, hearing the way Daisy spoke about going where harlots go, getting laid, finding a good fuck for the night... why... had he completely misread the girl? She was a blushing, bumbling mess when he confronted her yesterday and he just knew he'd pegged her right, but now this? This was something unexpected completely. She wanted to find a man to fuck her tonight and Harry thought maybe he could accidentally find his way to this Grunthan's pub she spoke about. He'd never been there but he was surprised she frequented any kind of place like that. Women weren't typically welcomed unless they were whores for hire.

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