Chapter 17*

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After waking from a bit of a nap, Daisy noticed Harry was not in the bed. She got up, still completely nude, and found Harry, also nude, in his kitchen making something. She walked up behind him and slid her hands up his back gently and then wrapped her arms around his middle and squeezed him.

Harry huffed out a laugh, "There she is. My little sleepy head. Thought I'd make dinner. I haven't got much but bread, some dried beef, and onions. Sorry. I haven't been shopping in a while. I promise to have my kitchen stocked up next time you're here. Honestly never expected to have company."

Daisy didn't care. She kissed Harry's strong back and sighed. She was with her man in his kitchen, in his apartment and their short time together had been bliss.

"Doesn't matter. Just happy I'm here with you, Harry."

Harry tutted at her, "It matters to me. I want to keep you satisfied and if I've not got food around you're gonna go off somewhere else when you get hungry."

Daisy laughed and released her arms from Harry to lean around him to see what he was doing with this dried beef and onions, "I did eat. You filled up my belly pretty well I'd say."

Harry stopped stirring the pot with the beef and onions and sat the spoon down, turning himself toward Daisy, "God I love you. That's the dirtiest, sexiest, and maybe best thing I've ever head come from anyone's mouth ever." He pulled her in by her chin and kissed her mouth. Daisy wrapped her arms over his shoulders and laughed into his mouth.

After they ate the awful concoction Harry tried to make tasty, the sun was down already. It was rather late but Harry was set on fulfilling Daisy's promise.

Daisy knew where Harry's mind was. He was very sensitive to her touches, and he kept gazing at her. He made her stay naked, kept rubbing over her bare arms and kissing her neck. Plus he was half hard nearly the entire time. Plumped up just a little but Daisy knew he was turned on.

Daisy washed his dishes for him, insisting on having him relax, but Harry only just watched on as Daisy washed and rinsed the dishes with her body on display. Daisy made sure to put on a show because she knew Harry would be watching. She bent over a few times, wiggled a little, shifted her hips in little sways... Harry could see all the small marks over her bum and he imagined what it would be like to fuck it. Obviously he couldn't stop thinking of it. By the time Daisy was done washing the dishes he was completely erect, nice and thickened up for her and Daisy cooed at him as she walked across the room.

"Aww... are you okay, Daddy?" She slides her hands up Harry's strong torso and up to his broad chest. Harry's dark pupils and thick cock told her all she needed to know. The man was horny.

He laughed out lowly and shook his head, "No. Need some love, Daisy. Need you." He licked his lips and Daisy smiled, taking his hand and bringing him to his bedroom. It was time. She was ready.

Daisy sat on Harry's bed and began scooting herself back but Harry quickly leaned down and grabbed at her bare thighs, holding her in place, dropping to his knees next to the bed, in between her legs.

"Stay right here. Need you all nice and ready for me, Daisy. I'm gonna fuck your tight bum hole after a bit and I need it to feel good for you so I have a job to do down here first."

Daisy laughed and leaned back, her palms face down on the bed as she spread her thighs further apart for Harry. He leaned in to her pussy and breathed out a puff of hot breath over her, smelling her aroma and closing his eyes to calm himself a bit. He was ready to take her now, pound into her tightest hole and come hard and fast, but he wanted to take care of Daisy more than he wanted that.

Daisy watched him as he took his time. He didn't lick or suck on her right away. He placed his lips just over the sparse hair over her labia and rubbed lightly over her lips like that for a moment. She could feel the breath coming from his nose as he grazed his pink lips up and down her pussy. When he finally looked up at her he opened his mouth and wrapped his lips around her clit, issuing a slobbery kiss right where she was the most sensitive. She leaned her head back and groaned. Harry was always so fucking good, so sensual, and so giving.

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