Chapter 13

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After Hattie told Daisy the news of Harry already knowing about the dinner, she rushed to write a note to Harry and placed it at the bottom of the napkin holder in the servant's supply closet. She hoped he'd find her note before dinner. It read: Dearest, I didn't know what the dinner was for when I accepted the invitation. You are my only.

The rest of Daisy's workday was spent in a daze. She didn't remember doing her chores or who she spoke with or what Missus Smith had told her about the windows (something about the windows but she couldn't recall the details).

At 4pm she went to find Missus Smith, as she was directed, and Missus Smith led her to her quarters to give her a change of clothes (a simple clean dress and shawl) and left her to clean herself in the bathroom. Daisy couldn't stop herself from crying. She only allowed herself a moment to cry because she needed to get it together. She had to snap out of the fog she was in. How would she face the Archer's after today? She was surely not going to allow Johnathan to pursue her in courtship. What would she say? How would she deal with the aftermath? Daisy hated not knowing what was to come.

After she'd cleaned up and dressed herself she was directed to sit in Sir Cyril's study until dinner at 6pm. Daisy tried occupying herself with a book but she could think of nothing but Harry's wellbeing.

At this time Harry was feeling quite similar. He was in a complete daze during his duties. The lead gardener was told Harry would be used in the kitchen and for serving tonight's special dinner so at 5pm he let Harry leave to find Missus Smith. She directed him to the bathroom and gave him a change of clothes to wear for the dinner. She gave him instructions and said that once he was cleaned and dressed he was to meet Hattie in the kitchen to help her and from there he'd take orders.

When Connie went up to Harry earlier in the day he felt anger when he heard her voice trying to get his attention. Harry tried to be kind to her but as she broke the news to him he couldn't help but see how pleased she appeared. She was certainly doing this with the intent to hurt him and Daisy. He tried not to let the news of the purpose of the dinner get to him but he couldn't help his human response.

Harry! oh! Harry! Listen, I have come to you with a big request. It's just the best of news! Mister Johnathan and Missus Marvin will begin courting this evening and there will be a special dinner to commemorate their new relationship. Isn't it wonderful?! I've always known Daisy was fond of my brother but I'm so shocked to hear he feels the same and my father and mother approve! Can you believe it? But I'm here because we don't have enough kitchen staff to help with such a wonderful dinner for the evening so I chose you to be the help for the night. You might even get to take a peek at the two lovebirds as they begin court hood! I'm so excited about this!

Of course Harry couldn't even look at Connie he was so beside himself. Connie was no fool. She saw his reaction and she knew without a doubt in that moment that he had feelings for Daisy and it was possible the two had been seeing one another in secret. But she didn't let this revelation get to her. She'd already had her suspicions but now it was everything but confirmed to her.

When Connie mentioned that Daisy was ecstatic with the news herself he shot his gaze up to her and frowned before speaking himself.

I'm afraid I have much work to do here. I'd need to get permission. Why would the Archer's need me in this instance? It doesn't make sense?

He didn't want to give away his feelings but he knew it was probably too late. Connie was smart and she was closely watching his responses. She told him that he had no choice and that Victor would be notified at once of Harry's dismissal of his normal duties.

As Harry stood in the bathroom after cleaning up and changing into his stupid outfit he gripped the edge of the sink in anger. His Daisy was going to be put in this awkward position. He wanted to get to the supply closet to either leave her a note or see if she'd left one for him. He quickly made his way to the closet and found a note stuffed in the bottom. After reading it he held it to his heart and resolved to stay strong and not lose his cool. Of course she didn't know. He trusted her but of course his imagination could get the best of him at times.

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