I cover my mouth again but walk off the boat with the rest of my new campers. I whimper as i walk onto the dock. But immideatly feel sick again. I yelp, then run to the egde before puking, then Y/n comes up behind me and rubs my back telling me things are going to be okay.

"Welcome to Isla Nublar campers! You are the chosen few kids in the entire world-" I hear, but puke again. i groan.

"You'e gonna be alright dude, just try to breathe" she chuckles. I loosley smile,but wipe my mouth and we turn to the adult wearing the red shirt. "-to ever experience the awsomness, that is camp cretaceous. I know the trip to the mainland was hard on some. Hello Ben" i try my best to smile with a thumbs up. But almost immediatly puke over the edge again. "Butcha made it!! I'm Dave, Head Counselor. You heard that correctly, head honcho. Big shot." I whimper.

"You okay now?"

I nod, then she smiles, then we walk with the rest of the group, and she holds out another tissue to me. I nod in thanks, then wipe my mouth. But we all suddenly hear a car? We all turn, but see a huge car stopping behind us. Then a woman comes out.

"So sorry i'm late campers!" She smiles, as she starts walking towards us. "I'm Roxie" Then she stands next to Dave. "Head counsellor of camp cretatious" We all turn to Dave with a seriously look. He akwardly chuckles.

"Well it's more of a co-head, sorta situation"

"is it?" Roxie smiles.

"Ahem. Anyway, some of you won contests to be here-" But thats when i realise that pink girl is recording everyone. I furrow my eyebrows, but she turns her phone over to me. I chuckle, with a smile and give the camrea an akward small smile, then Y/n throws her arm over my shoulder, and jumps at the phone pulling a silly face. I chuckle before turning back to Dave and Roxie. "-Some of you had vip invites, but for the next two weeks all of you will be getting five star treatment!!"

"As our first campers, we've lined up exclusive behind the scenes tours of jurrasic world!" Everyone cheers, but i just quietly whine, tightening my grip on my suitcase. "As well as kayaking" i gulp. "Rock climbing" I gag again, already imagining the scary height. "Obstical courses. And of course. Dinosaurs!!" Roxie explains. Everyine but me cheers again as i panic.

I wanna go home...

"HECK YEAH!! How awesome does that sound?! Real dinosaurs!! And that's literally all my hobbies!!" She squeals, doing the fist thing again. "This is gonna be so awesome!!"

I was about to say something, but Y/n turns to me grinning still. My face heats up again.

"Are you excited to meet real dinos?"


"alright!! Let's get the seven of you to camp!" Dave laughs. I furrow my eyebrows, and look at everyone, before slightly raising my hand.

"Uh- There are six of us"

"Wwwait. Dino-kid, track-star, internet girl, barfy, england" i role my eyes at the nickname "Texas.. He's right. Where's seven?"

Roxie looks at the paper and groans?

"C'mon we better get going." She sighs. Texas girl turns to me confused, but i just shrug as we follow Roxie and Dave to the car.

"Oooh a missing personnn already?" Y/n grins, almost jumping in place.

"Y-y-e-E-" But then my voice cracks. My face pales, but Y/n just laughs.

"Aww that was adorableee haha!!" She laughs. I akwardly chuckle, but for once not like a bad akward, more like a good-ish nervoussy kinda. Thing.

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