I groan. My head ringing. Everything is achey. I slowly open my eyes to darkness. Before my eyes slowly adjust to the bright sky. But feel my face getting licked?

I gasp, quickly hugging her.

"Oh bumpy. Yes yes yes. Hi bumpy. Where's everyone else?" I smile, looking around. But I'm alone?

"Bumps. Where is everyone?"

"Guys?!! Darius!! Kenji!!" I scream. "Brooklyn! Yaz!! Sammy!! Anyone!!" I cry. I groan, wiping my tears though they the tears still continue to fall.

"Hello!!" I cry, holding myself in my arms.

I'm all alone.

"Anyone!! Please!! I wanna go home!! I want my mum!" I cry my tears falling even more now. Before I slump down, leaning my back on a tree. Crying into my knees.

I wanna go home.

But suddenly I hear a chirp? I look up rubbing my eyes. But see a compy. I shriek, standing up. Moving away from the tree. But slowly look around seeing more surrounding me.

I whimper, holding my fists to my chest.

What do I do?! Am I gonna die!!

Out of instinct I drop to the floor. Curling myself into a ball covering my head with my arms.

I wanna go home. I wanna go home.

But I hear bumpy rawr which makes me turn to her confused. As she rawrs at the compys, throwing them away with her tail. I gasp, with a grin, wrapping my arms around her tightly once she finished

"Thank you bumpy. You're the best. This is gonna be okay. They'll come back for me right? Right they don't even know where I am. They must be waiting for me at the ferry. So we just gotta get to the ferry. Yeah. How do we get to the ferry. Oh right the map. Which was.. in my pack. Which I left on the monorail...No pack, no map. No snacks. No santitser!!" I fall to the floor again, holding my head. "Okay this is bad. This is super bad. This is very very bad. This is..." I look down at myself seeing how dirty I am. Then suddenly everything goes black.

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