"We need to turn off the lights!!" Darius screams. I shriek turning to him, watching him grab a flashlight hammering the light until it turns off.

"Why? What's going on?!" I ask but he ignores me. I raise an eyebrow but walk to the front. Seeing like 20 flying dinos!?

I shriek again, falling to the floor.

"Flying reptiles are like sea birds. They like moving shiny objects. And with all these lights on we are a shining object!!" Everyone screams. Before grabbing a flashlight. I go to grab one but there all gone.

"What should I do?!" I shout.

"Stay out of the way!" Brooklyn yells, turning a light off.

Stay out of the way? I'm not helpless I can help!

The banging gets worse causing bumpy to start snarling. I yelp, sitting on my knees trying to calm her down.

I scream, as I see one fly past. Watching others start cracking the windows.

What can I do?! Why am I just sitting here!!

"Next one hurry!" Darius yells. I grunt as I push bumpy to the next compartment. With everyone breaking the lights again.

"Oh I think I know what that explosion was earlier" Sammy says, staring outside? I furrow my eyebrows, looking outside. Seeing another monorail on fire!!

Oh crud!!

"If we don't change course or stop this thing right now we're gonna crash into it full speed" Darius tells us.

I whimper more, cuddling into bumpy.

I need to help!! What do I do!!

"The front car there's control panels there! Vip tour. I was 8. They let me drive"

I whine more as the Pteranidons continue to crash and shake us, hiding my face into bumpys back.

"We can't get in!"

"I can! I'll climb through there!" Darius yells. I look up to where he's pointing and it's a door in the roof. Which leads to the control panel room. "I'm the only one that can fit!" He yells, standing on the chairs. But we get another crash knocking him over. I whimper. But bumpy growls at me. I gulp, looking up at the door.

I can't be helpless...

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