"We have to run now!" Sammy yells.

"Which way?! I don't wanna run into it!" I reply.

"Uuh. This way!" We all immediately start to run the way darius pointed. Even though my whole body is aching. I need to push through.

What if Y/n went back to camp. Yeah, yeah she should be there. What if she got eate- don't think like that! She will be fine. At the very least she's safe at Dr Wus lab! Yeah! Why am I worried about her when my life is on the line! God damm it!! I'm so scared, I'm so scared. What if she- what if I! End up getting murdered?!!

"Everything will be fine when we get back to camp. It has to be. Maybe there's a grown up there looking for us!" Darius tells us as we continue to run.

I groan, moving leaves out of my view. Before we all run through large grass. I pant, holding my knees once I realised everyone stopped. I groan, standing up straight. My jaw drops as I look at ca- what used to be- camp.

The whole thing has been crushed and broken down.

I shakily breathe, as we all walk in silence. I look around at everyone in sadness. Before spotting an upside down car? I furrow my eyebrows as I leave the others walking towards it.

"Dave, Roxie. The other workers. They must've all gotten away!" Sammy says. I look underneath the car slowly.

There it is. A man, with no arm, with blood pouring down from his forehead.

I scream, quickly moving away. Covering my eyes with my hands.

I can't breathe! I can't breathe! I can't. I need to. I cant-

"N-not all of them" I struggle to say.

Oh god oh god. What!

I whimper as I fall to my knees.

This isn't happening! This is a dream! It's just a dream!

"Ben are you okay?" Sammy yells, running over to me.

I hold back a gag and look up at her.

"I-im okay"

"Sammy!!" We hear. We both turn looking at Brooklyn.

I stand up confused, with Sammy helping me.

"Give. Me. My phone! I don't care that u snuck into Dr Wus lab. Or that u took that skin sample of that sinsocerotops. I don't even care that u stole it now! But I need it to call for help! So please where is it!?" Brooklyn shouts walking over.

I turn to Sammy.


"I uhm. I don't know what ur talking about. Skin samples? Sneaking into labs you made up some crazy thing in your own damm head!" Sammy says, walking away to the others.

I'm so... confused.

Ben Pincus x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now