"Stop harassing Sammy! It's not Sammys fault u lost it!" Yazmina shouts. Walking over to me and Brooklyn.

"Can you guys. Please. Keep it down. There's a bi-"

"-A big scary dinosaur" I turn to Kenji. "Of course there's a big scary dinosaur. There's always a big scary dinosaur!"

"And you're always a big mouth jerk!" I reply.

"Yeah! Well. At least I don't play with crayons!"

Everyone continues shouting.

Why are we yelling!! It could be anywhere!!

"Arguing is worthless. Its not gonna get us anywhere! No one is getting out of here! We- we just saw people get EATEN! We're all alone!! We're defenless. We are practically dead already" I cry out, before covering my eyes.

I don't want these guys seeing me cry. They think I'm weak enough already. I just wanna go home! I just wanna get out of here!!

"We're not giving up" I furrow my eyebrowns, quickly wiping my tears away, turning to Darius.

"What are we supposed to do?" Yaz asks.

"We go south towards the park. The only way we can survive is if we work together. We are a team or we're dead. Okay?"

Everyone nods apart from me

"B-but I don't wanna go back into the jungle"

"You can wait here then. See if anyone will come over to help us" Kenji smiles.

I huff, crossing my arms as they all walk away.

Stupid jungle.

I look around slowly, immediately getting afraid. I groan out, pinching my nose in annoyance.

It's just one dinosaur. Yeah. It's just oneeee dinosaur.

I gulp, as I quickly run to the others.

"Wait for me!"

Time skip:

I whimper, pushing past branches.

Ew, ew, ew. So gross!!

I quickly get some hand sanitiser out of my pack, squinting some on my hand then spreading it around my hands up to my arms.


I scream, turning behind me, closing my eyes tightly. I pant, but look down.

"Oh. Sorry guys I stepped on a twig" I awkwardly chuckle.

"Ben! You gave me a heart attack!"

"I should step on you!"

I awkwardly chuckle again while everyone shouts at me.


"Darius. We've been walking for a while now. Are you sure we're walking the right way?" Sammy asks.

"We would be sure if I still had my phone. Because it has a GPS. A compass. And it's a phone!"

"Sammy didn't steal your phone. No one stole your phone!"

I rub my wrist with my thumb.

Please shut up!

"You guys. You guys, you guys, you guys. Can you please yell at eachother quieter please." I whisper.

"My fellow campers!"

Kenji!! Shut up!!

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