Time skip:

"Guys!! Helloooo!!" I shout, as me and kenji start walking around the forest.

"These stupid earpeices aren't working!" He yells.

"BENNYY! SALLY!! JASMINE!" I hear. I face palm. Before we walk towards the shouting. Seeing Y/n walking around.


"You are terrible with names!" Kenji yells as we run over to her. She looks around confused hearing our names. Before turning around and seeing us.

"Benny!! Kendo!! Are you guys okay?"

"It's kenji"

"I said that."

"We're okay. Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Aww benny I'm okay. Don't worry about me. How are you are you okay?" Then she grabs my face with both her hands. Making my face go hot? Before moving it side to side. "You don't seem to have any injuries. You okay?"

"I-i-im okay" I chuckle. She let's go and holds her hips.

"Good. Now we need to find the others. And the earpieces aren't working so I'm gonna go find the adults. You guys find the others"

"Smart" I smile.

"I can be when I wanna" She grins. "Now go go go" then she runs away.

"What a weirdo." Kenji sighs. Before we look around for the others.

Time skip (I'm not writing that whole situation I'm lazy):

"Oh guyss!! I found themm!! There over here!!" We hear Y/n shouts. I turn and smile.

"What happened here?" She asks as she walks over.

"Uh we just saved Darius and Beooklyns livess" Kenji grins.

"Oh. That's cool. How'd you manage that?"

"Oh uhh. Professional stuff I won't bother u with the details." He laughs.

"Uh okay. Are you guys okay? How are you both?"

"We're okay. Just a bit shaken up" I chuckle.

"Well that's good. Yayy you guys are heros." She laughs hugging me tightly. My face goes hot. Then I look at Kenji who's smirking at me. I roll my eyes before hugging her back.

"I'm glad everyone's okay. If someone died I would be totes sad" she smiles, pulling away holding my shoulders.

"You don't even know there names."

"Uhhhh I know Ben's! Anddd Darius and Brooklyn"

"Yeah because we just told u" Kenji scoffs.

"...Shut up" She chuckles, before turning seeing the dinosaur. "Awww what a cutie!!"

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