Time skip cuz im lazy. There's gonna be alot of these. Xoxo

We all struggle to breathe as the kyak river door slams shut, stopping the flying..thingys from getting to us. I look down at bumpy as she looks so happy.

I sigh but we start walking towards the boats.

"Yes life jackets. Perfect." I smile as I put it on.

"Ben and Bumpy can go in this one" darius says.

"I'll go with them" Yaz says as she walks over to me, then helps me lift up bumpy, placing her into the kayak before we get inside to.

"Heyy..yaz" I smile awkwardly as she picks up the oars. "How uh. Are you? With everything?"

She looks at me with a seriously look.

"Sorry. I know you're upset"

"Upset. Please. It was just someone needing someone else to look out for her. Nothing special. I'll get over it" She huffs. I sigh but nod.

"Hey the caves getting bigger. And brighter?" Brooklyn says?

I furrow my eyebrows. But as we continue moving my eyes widen as we enter this beautiful area. There's this gorgeous waterfall. The room is glowing with these multicoloured. Algae thingys. It's so pretty.

"Y/n would've loved this" I sigh, looking down at bumpy.

"I'm sure she's fine. If Dr wu escaped then I'm sure she did to" Yaz says.

"Yeah but. I kinda wish she was here."

"You should just be happy that she's most likely safe."

"Yeah" I sigh again looking around. This screams of something Y/n would love. She loves bright coloured shiny stuff.

I hmm, stroking bumpy as I continue to look around. This is so pretty.

"Guys. Should the alge be moving?" We all turn to where she's looking. Seeing glowing dinosaurs?! I shriek.

"Guys don't worry. There herbivores. Dr wu must've but the bioluminesent gene into these dinos"

I calm down, taking a big breath in as I start to admire them.

Y/n would definitely love this. Glowing dinosaurs are definitely something she would obsess over. I miss her so much. But yaz is right. I should only care about her being safe.

"Ben stop obsessing over the turtle and start stearing"

"Wha- don't say that. She is not a turtle. She is a complicated woman. I think she's sea sick"

Then bumpy starts snarling again.

"Now look. You insulted her and now she's upset"

"What? Ben dinosaurs don't understand english"

"Good. I'm glad they can't cuz there have been several unkind things said" I huff.

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