I look down at the floor, screaming, while figuring out where the safest place to put my hands are. Before suddenly, the seat quickly rocks me back and forth stopping me from moving. I shriek, looking up, seeing the once green light has turned red.

"GUYS! GUYS!!" I scream, looking behind me. Seeing them come at me at a fast pace. "GUYS!!"

Suddenly, they all stop as well, luckily just before hitting me. I scream more, holding back tears as I continue struggling to maintain my breathing.

"Ben! What did you do?!" Kenji yells.

"Nothing, Nothing it just stopped!!" I return.

"Deep breathes. Deep breathes. Relax." Y/n whispers as i quickly struggle to breathe. "We are not gonna get eaten while we sleep okay? Try to chill. Like think good thoughts. Like bubble baths. A fresh white carpet. Clean bedding right after you've had a shower."

I look up at Y/n as I lay in my bed. With her on her knees on the floor next to me as she's gently moving my hair away from my eyes. My breathing starts to regulate as I look at her. She's so close to me. Her hair is up in a messy bun. She looks so peaceful and pretty. And the moon is on her face just right. I blush a little.

"Thank yo-

I quickly get pulled out of my thoughts, as everyone abruptly collides into me. Causing me to scream more as we quickly slide down the zipline all squished together.

"ITS WORKING!!" Darius yells. Before suddenly the wire feels. Off? I look up. But as I do, the seats quickly disconnect?!

"AAAAH!!" We all cry out, as we plumit into the trees. I cry out more, as I crash into the branches, with the scratching me partially. Before slamming down onto the floor.

I cry more, pain shooting throughout my entire body.

"Is everyone okay?" Brooklyn asks. I ignore her. Feeling Nothing but pain and fear. I slowly turn onto my back. Groaning as I turn. Before gently sitting up looking at the others.

Jeez I have such a migrane now!! We should've stayed at camp! I knew this was a bad idea!!

I hear it in the distance again. I shriek, standing up as we all slowly huddle together.

"Where is it?!" I yell.

"Ssh! It could be anywhere. We don't want it hearing us" Yazmina tells me.

We all huddle up more, touching shoulder to shoulder as we look around in fear.

Oh my god.

Ben Pincus x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now