Ben Pov:

Puking mentions. it's a Ben pov what did u expect? Also he's 14

I gag, as i hold my stomach, looking over the edge off the boat.

I hate this! i hate this!! I hate thi-

I gag again, before puking over the edge of the boat again. But feel someone raise my hair out of my face. I ignore it as i continue puking. But once i finish, i wipe my mouth and look up at the person with tired eyes. She smiles.

"You okay?"

My eyes widen, as my cheeks heat up.

"I-i- i- i-" i stutter, unable to fatham words.

"Oh god are you like gonna puke again? Okay, just hold it in a sec or something" She panics, then takes a hairband off her wrist, then grabs the front of my hair, my eyes widen more as my face heats up, but i look at my hair and see that it has small parts of puke in, i gulp from fear, but she  doesn't seem to mind? She just continues smiling.Then she starts tying the front of my hair up and ties it into a small bun?

"My names Y/n by the way, woww i did that and forgot to introduce myself? Sorry, well i guess i had no chance to cuz, well y'know"

I painfully chuckle, but i start feeling puke come rising up again, then face the edge of the boat again, puking my guts up again, but Y/n just rubs my back.

"You're gonna be totes fineee,  don't even worry about it. We're almost there" She chuckles. Once i finish, i chuckle and turn to her, but she quickly wipes my mouth with a napkin? My eye widen, as my face heats up again. Then she grins.

"Much better, are you feeling okay now?"

"U-uh. I-i-uh. I-i'm-"

"You don't have to speak now if your still kinda in that pukey feeling, we're gonna learn your name soon anyway. But do you need some water? Even though it's the ocean water that's making you sick" She jokes, i painfully chuckle again. "Oooor if you want i packed us all some snacks, there's Reeces peeces, mars bars, doritos, space rangers, uhhh skittles, and bounty bars! Very unhealthy butttt oh well"


"Yeah you're right, probably not the right time for you to be eating" She chuckles, but then the boat stops. I gag at the shaky movements. But turn to Y/n as her eyes are filled with stars, as she looks at the island grinning, shaking her balled hands side to side quickly.

My eyes widen, as i watch her a little, face heating up. Then she turns to me in a swift motion, which the speed of it kinda makes me sick, but her smile makes my stomach flip? But like. In a good way?? I don't know anymore, but she's super pretty!!

"C'mon, we have dinos to see!!" She laughs.

I gulp.


"Heyyy you finished a word! I'm already proud of you! Now let's get goin'!!"

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