She's so mean. Why is she so mean!! Why is she this now!! So many questions!!!

I turn to her as she sharpens a rock for me.

"Erm. Why are you helping me?" She looks up at me, flicking the long parts of her hair over her shoulder.


"W-well why are you helping me?"

"Does it matter?"

"Kinda. You know. Me and you used to be best friends"

She scoffs.

"It's true. Before you turn...erm. before you lost all your memories"

"Uh huh. Sure"

"It's true! You were so funny. And sweet. And caring. You would do my face masks. You would wear outfits that did not work for the jungle. Erm. You couldn't even remember all our other friends names half the time" I laugh thinking about the memories. "We would hang out all the time. You would kick my butt in board games. And you would show off any chance you'd get. You'd make me laugh. Make me feel safe"

"Thats a nice sob story" She huffs, before holding up the rock that is now looking like the tip of a spear. "This looks good enough yes?"

"Uh.. yeah yeah." I sigh. "So why didn't you eat me?"

"What's with all the questions. It's pissing me off" She says, as she uses a thin vine to tye on the spear to the stick.

"Uh- sorry. But why?"

"You smelt familiar. And I also felt sorry for you. Cuz you're a weakling and you were to easy to catch"

That stung. Ouch. But she remembered my smell! That's great!!


Y/n would've been like 'cuz you're my best friend obviii. Like I'd totes protect you don't even stress!!'

I chuckle at my thoughts. But look up to the new concentrating Y/n.

That old Y/n is dead. I hate you. But I'm stuck with you. You're right I would die on my own.

She stands up, holding up the spear.

"Where did you learn to make this?"

"I dunno. It was common sense"

Kinda yeah.

"Well thank you for helping me out. My other friend Bumpy-"

"The dinosaur"

"Yes. She's kinda mad at me right now"

"Oh can't blame her. You are very inco-uh...incomiten- incomp- shut up you know what I mean"

I chuckle at her.


"...Shut up prick"

I chuckle again. But my heart and chest still ache. I feel like I'm grieving. I feel like Y/n has died. But she's right infront of me... but it's not the same.

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