We all stand over the eggs, watching as one of them slowly starts to crack open. I rub my the palm of my hand with my thumb, watching nervously as a tail is suddenly revealed through the egg. Everyone is standing in silence as we all watch in amazement. I look next to me at Y/n and her eyes are wide with a small smile, she looks so curios. And so pret-

But suddenly it opens up more, flicking some gross goo onto me.

"Ew! Ew! Ew! Get it off! Get it off!!" I cry off, wiping it off me. Once I finish with my moment I look back at it. She's fully out now, but has some egg shell still on her head. It struggles to take it off, but falls back. I yelp, quickly catching it before it could fall off the edge with a yelp.

Slimy! Slimy!!

I place her back onto the platform, gently taking the egg off her head. And she's so cute!!!! She's adorable!! She's making cute noises at me aah!

"She's so tinyy" Y/n says standing next to me.

"One if her head bumps are shorter then the other" Brookyln chuckles taking photos of her.

"Asymmetry in my lab?" We hear Docter Wu say as he walks over.

"She's so small I could fit her in my pocket" Y/n coos. "Aren't you just the cutest thing anyone has ever seen?" She says to the Dino.

"But she won't stay small for long right?" Roxie asks Doctor Wu. As I continue playing with her. She keeps rubbing the side of her face on my hand and on my face. I'm trying my hardest to ignore the goop. She's cute though so I'll allow it and shower heavily later.

"Thats the idea. All the dinosaurs go through an accelerated growth cycle. There supposed to incubate for 13 weeks without any noticeable defects. But apparently this one slipped through" Doctor wu explains.

"Isn't she the cutest?" I ask Y/n. No reply? I look around but she's gone? Including Brookyln? That's weird. Where did she go? Bathroom? I shrug my shoulders and place her down, then she starts bumping and spinning around.

She's so bumpy- Perfect name! Awww little Bumpy.

"Time for you all to leave!" We hear. I turn around, looking at Doctor wu pushing Brookyln, while keeping firm on Y/ns arm? "Clearly some people have no respect for my lab"

I furrow my eyebrows.

"But what about Bumpy?" I ask, holding her out a little.

"Aww you named her Bumpy. How cute Benny" Y/n smiles, but grunts as Wu tightens his grip on her arm?

"The asset will soon be released into a herd of ankylosauruses." He says taking her off me. My heart hurts as she starts making sadder noises. "Then she'll be their problem. Just like you will all cease to be my problem when you leave."

"Alright let's go go go! We are not wanted here" Dave says, as he gently pushes me to start walking.

"But bumpy"

"She'll be fine don't worry" Dave says.

"Roxanne. May I have a moment" I hear Doctor wu say. I turn around, seeing him still got a grip on Y/n? She turns to me with a smile with a wave.

What is happening?

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