"He's lying. I can smell it on him" I say to Brooklyn and Kenji.

"But if he is telling the truth, Sammy, Darius and Yaz are in big trouble"

"How many of these idiots are there" Y/n asks.

"Just us 6 of us"

"Greaatt" Y/n huffs. "Well I'm going" She says then starts walking away. I yelp, standing infront of her.

"Where are you going?"


"But you said you'd help"

"I said I'd help you survive. Not get bossed around and helping 5 other kids"

"You are a kid. Don't you wanna get off the island?"

"I don't know anything else but this island. Besides. I helped you enough"

"Y/n.. please" I hold her shoulders. "Please help us. Please"

She scoffs.


"Cuz there your friends."

"I don't even know them"

"You didn't know me, yet you helped me out"

She glared at me but huffs, smacking my hands off her shoulders.

"Whatever. You're so fucking bossy. Asshole"


"Alright. What's the plan guys?" Kenji asks us as we walk back.

"I say we leave him and go after our friends" I say.

"But what if he's telling the truth?" Kenji asks.

"What about you Brooklyn and Y/-...Y/n.." Kenji hesitates, looking at Y/n.

"I say let me eat hi-"

"No" I sigh making her groan.

"I'm fucking hungry"

"I say, we save our friends" Brooklyn says making me grin, but she turns to Hap. "And we're taking you with us"

"Wha- why! Noo!"

"Alright. Then untie me" Hap says.

"No no no. We have a different idea"

Time skip:

I smile, stroking bumpy, before turning round, seeing Y/n holding Hap over her shoulder, him still being tied up.

"I can't believe you're making me hold my- what could be breakfast" She huffs.

"Shut up I'm trying to help you" Hap grunts.

"Who said you could talk?! Shut it!!" She yells. I sigh, looking at the floor.

I can't believe this happened. How could this happen?! I should be used to looking at her. But it feels more painful knowing that was the girl I used to have a stupid crush on.

I sigh, turning to her. But she just has that usual angry face on. I haven't seen her smile properly. Y/n used to always have a smile on her face. This one doesn't smile at all. Or at least properly. It's painful.

"Ben. You okay?" Kenji asks. I turn to him and sigh with a nod.

"I know you must be well hurt about Y/n. We all are" He says.


"Dude she was hilarious. Stupidly hilarious. I probably don't know how you're feeling to like as much as you are. But we're here for you dude"

"Yeah. This isn't what any of us wanted for her. But we just gotta get used to the fact that this is her now. There's nothing we can do about it. Maybe if we help her regain her memories she'll turn back into the old Y/n. Obviously not looks wise but personality" Brooklyn smiles.

That...actually makes perfect sense.

"Oh" Brooklyn says, as we see a large garage. I roll my eyes.

"I told you" Hap chuckles.

"This doesn't prove anything" I huff.

Ben Pincus x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now