"Yaz are you okay?!" Sammy asks, rushing to her aid. I think she's sprained her ankle.

"Get away from me sammy" Yaz huffs. I sigh, but look down at bumpy.

"Come on bumps. Let's go calm down" She roars smiling at me making me chuckle. "Something you can never do"

I slump onto the chairs, bumpy sitting next to me. I sigh again, then rest my head on her back. Laying my legs across it. Trying to relax. It's a bit difficult though while we are in a Dino infested jungle. All on our own. But I try my best.

"Aren't I just the coolest?" Y/n grins as she continues to hold her handstand for 5 minutes straight.

"You're face is really red" I chuckle. She looks at me.

"Well duhhh. Silly. I'm trying to break my record of 7 minutes it's difficult" She chuckles. But kenji walks past and pushes her over. She shrieks, landing on the floor on her face.

"Owww. Kenji!! That was so mean!!" She whines.

He laughs before helping her up.

"Mad at you now" She chuckles before turning to me again. "Wanna see what else I can do? I didn't go to gymnastics for 8 years just to like not show it off to anyone"

"Are you okay?" I chuckle as she rubs her forehead.

"Yesss I just got a headache. But I'm cooliooo."

I chuckle again.

"If your sure"

I sigh, facing the sky.

I miss you Y/n.

"Why are we all telling scary stories again? We're meant to be sleeping!" I whisper as we all lay in our bunks.

"Cuz benny boo. We wannaaaa" Y/n tells me. "Now let me finish. Ahem. As she heads into the store. She walks around and sees. *fake gasp* animal testing products! Aaah!" She cries out. I raise an eyebrow.

"Thats your take of a scary story? Oh please thats so stupid" Yaz chuckles.

"You try be those poor baby bunnies getting injected and tortured for us to have mascara"

I chuckle at Y/n. She's so caring and sweet.

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