Chapter 21: Truth Hurts - Donovan's P.O.V

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Tsk tsk tsk.

That fucking thing actually did what I said, how pathetic.

I picked up his lifeless body and took him down to the basement before throwing him into the cage, causing a loud bump noise. I then locked it, putting the key around my neck.

I waited for hours, staring at his body until he woke up. When he did, an inhumane smile appeared on my face.

"Good morning, Kasper."

Kasper looked around before looking at me, a look of panic and fear showed on his face. I couldn't help but feel proud of myself.

"You're probably wondering why I did this, aren't you?"

He just stared at me. Of course, he couldn't answer, the poison hasn't worn off completely just yet.

"Back in 1923, four years before you came to the Ophelia Asylum, you murdered my father for no reason. He was a great parent and you took him from me and my mother. Did you ever think I could love a monster like you?"

I could see the tears stream down his cheeks, but I didn't care. I just kept talking.

"I was there at your court hearing, and how fucking dare you call my father a rapist? He couldn't even hurt a fly!"

I stood up quickly and unlocked the cage, and I swear I saw that thing jump back. Without any hesitation, I pulled him out by his hair, causing him to scream in pain.

I'm not going to lie when I say it was kind of funny how the circumstances were. I'm a two hundred pound man basically throwing around someone who was just barely one hundred pounds. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Come on. I'm going to make you feel the exact same pain you made him feel."

Kasper started to cry as he tried to pull away from me. I easily held him against me in a bear hug as I carried him into a room further down in the basement.

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