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"Name: Kasper Reid.
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Reason(s) for Admission: Violence, clear aggression and murder.
Punishment: To be decided.
Job Occupation: Currently unemployed due to the crime committed: previously served in the war.
Referral Occupation: Ophelia Asylum for the Mentally Insane- West Grenada, Illinois "

As I observed the heavily built staff member read the admission form, I noticed his bright brown eyes dance across the page without hesitation. He must have done this over a million times after all. Questioningly, his eyes left the page and fixated on me instead. I felt my breath escape me as his eyes slowly started to dissolve my false sense of calm and I began to look away uncomfortably. Looking directly into my shaken blue eyes he began to speak, a voice deep and very masculine.

"You're in deep shit so you might as well talk."

Donovan Batchler spoke alarmingly calm almost as if he was bored. He rested his well-built jaw on the palm of his right hand as he studied my body language, but I wasn't going to give in that easily. What does he take me for? A deer in the headlights? He spoke again,

" I won't ask a second time."

He abruptly stood up and stared down at me. I let a quick smirk appear on my lips as I glanced up at him, locking eyes with him once more. Taking in his looks, I could estimate almost immediately that he is at least 6'5, weighing around 230 pounds due to his defined and stern muscles that looked as if they were ready to burst through his white shirt. A quiet growl escaped from his mouth.

"Answer me damn it!"

He suddenly slammed his fist down onto the table, making the desk split in half which revealed my restless body. I glanced up at him once more, this time quizzically. A nervous chuckle left my lips as he stared intensely at me. Without any warning, his fist finds its way to my face, sending me into the ground causing blood to trickle down my face. He then grabs my shirt by the collar and pulls me close so my face is just inches away from his. I let out a slight gasp from his tightening and restricting grip. He then said,

"If you don't talk I will do much, much worse. Or better yet I can get the guards to take 'care' of you."

He spoke harshly yet I felt myself begin to crack as pain coursed through my veins and a throbbing sensation began to disperse from my now busted lip. I reached a hand to my bleeding nose and busted lip before I let a sigh of defeat escape me. I slowly closed one of my eyes as his hand quickly approached my face again. The impact of the blow made my lip bleed even more vigorously and my nose began to sting even worse than before. My vision was becoming misted over from the tears as they began to form, for once I felt weak as I could usually take more hits but today I...I couldn't. I felt overwhelmed by this rancid world that is riddled with sick, sick people.

I let out one shaky breath before swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat. Choking back the tears, I barely managed to spit out " Okay fine...I'll talk" I finally said as he dragged me by my feet, kicking me backward into a chair that was placed beside the now split desk that separated us. Another man that neither of us had noticed was sitting in the corner of the dimly lit room with a pen in hand. He was tapping on his notebook. I tried to judge who he was off of his physical appearance and see if he could give more damaging blows. My misted blue orbs finally worked their way over to his badge and could vaguely make out the name, "Adonis". He spoke softer than the other guy and said, trying to keep himself composed,

"Another table, broken?! please contain yourself, Donovan! I'll take it from here if you'd please."

He said, clearing his throat to begin the interrogation in a more official and calm manner as Donovan who was abruptly cut off when he tried to object. He hurriedly left the room, growling slightly under his breath. I could still feel his presence as if he hadn't left.

Adonis stood up to his feet and said,

"As Batchler said, I will take "care" of you if you don't talk."

I looked at him in his eyes and felt a shiver run through me that made me shudder. I had a bad feeling about this, but I hesitantly began to explain what had happened as a flashback occurred in my mind;

"I had just woken up and, after getting dressed, I started to go by my daily chores for the day. We were in Alabama at the time. As I was making my bed, I heard a blood-curdling scream that belonged to what seemed like a former friend of mine... Which were indeed my friend's..." The silence began to fill the room as my mind became shrouded, the rest came back as I was dropped to the floor by a fist. Adonis was getting more and more impatient, I cradled my face and he smirked out of enjoyment as a single tear streamed down my once perfected face. I was suddenly taken over by the flashback "They were...harassing her..." I said with venom practically infecting my words, "They were hurting her and I had to defend her. Without thinking, I plunged my combat knife into one of the man's jugular causing him to bleed out within seconds. I stood there and observed, anger taking over me as she shrieked in terror alerting our sergeants and chief. The other man stopped his actions and tried to run but I sprinted after him with adrenaline surging throughout each and every one of my veins, gushing and cascading through each of my internal organs causing me to leap onto his back, and mangle his already tatty flesh before I was hindered by my peers and tackled to the floor... That's all I can remember." I practically spat out as if I had forgotten to breathe.

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