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First time he saw HER, was in rain, dancing happily without any care. Her carefree nature, her white pearly smile, her grace.

Like she was his fate, wherever he was she would be there. She was here at temple feeding birds, smile never left her lips. She gave food to poor people at the entrance of temple. She reminded him of his mother.

Traditional, kind,beautiful, graceful…

He followed her unknownly, to the market, him and market.. She helped some uncle to look after his shop a bit to give him a break, nature is calling after all..

She got some stuff for home and went home. Gomti Sadan. She is Khushi Kumari Gupta, daughter of Shashi gupta. He felt an unknown connection towards her, his whole being is yearning for her.. If only she noticed him..

He stayed afar from her, didn’t approach her for 2 years since he first saw her.

The only thing that holding him back is their difference in status.. Money, Status, Fame, Properties, Good look, Power, he did not lack any of it.

For him, she is flower who bound to be in good place, his hands are drenched in blood, dirty, unpleasant being he is.. he doesn’t deserve someone like her.. She deserve the best… And that someone is not him..

Until he saw her in Arnav Singh Raizada’s arms, that idiot telecast it on television.

What’s the worse thing you could’ve witness would be seeing someone you consider your world to be with someone else. He felt his soul burning in hell.

He ran to her place to see her for once, saw some goons trying yo molest her and beating up her father who tried to defend his daughter. He beat them up to pulp, gained a good name from whole gupta family. He became their family’s well-wisher. Khushi consider him as good person.

“What’s your name Beta?” Khushi’s babuji asked him.

Words struck in his throat… only lie came out. “RAGHAV RATHORE.”

Babuji blessed him a long life. Gupta family owe him.

The guptas decides to sent Khushi and her sister Payal to Delhi.

He followed them, won Buaji’s favor and stayed the as a paying guest.


He walked into his mansion while Servant greet him with respect, he took off his coat off and handed it to his butler.

He went the head maid who trembled upon seeing him, “Teach me.. How to make jelebis.” Raghuvendra Pratab Rathore asked for a favor for the first time in his life.

To win Khushi Kumari Gupta’s heart.

But will she ever fall for him when her heart beats for someone else?

To be continued…

Yeah, Rathore is back in another story but wait till I finish PRE-PLANED LOVE. THEN I WILL CONTINUE THIS STORY. What do you think of this story or should I drop it?

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