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A month passed...

Khushi started come out her shell, with Payal, Garima, Buaji's and her Babuji's care.. Alex was there help around the company issue, she gave him the power.

He had absolute authority over company while Khushi spend her time doing charity, help NGO on behalf of her late husband.

Rathore did lot of work related to mafia.. But he also did lot of goods..

In charity party..

She met Him, ARNAV.. making ber recall memory of the last day she saw her husband.. She looked at him with hatred.

Past month felt like hell to Khushi..

Most importantly, after she stopped hearing his voice.. Which she couldn't bear.. Only after his death she realised they never took a photo together.. Nor will she ever a chance to get one anymore either..

When she had him, she pushed him, berated him, mocked him, tortured him.. Now he is gone she... She is missing him, if it wasn't for her child, she would have collapsed long ago..

He was her husband, mentor, lover, soul mate.. With him she is soulless..

Whenever the wind blew, Khushi sometimes thought that she could hear his voice carried with the breeze, just her own imaginations..

Maybe she were destined to lose the ones she loved. But until the day they reunited once again in the heaven, Khushi would do her very best to protect and raise her child in his place.

She lamented. She knew, she would always love her Raghu, and she will forever.

Her last love...

She would never love anyone else again. Silent tears fell down her cheeks.

Arnav watched from side, he approached her, "Khushi... If ever need a shoulder.. Please look for me.." He won't take advantage of her situation, its painful to see her in this state.


Even though her husband is no more she is still getting all the respect as his wife.


Alex looked at his chairman's unconscious state, barely alive.. He better hide him, wait till situation stable first until then no one should ever know about his whereabouts.. No one..

Until his chairman gain his consciousness... "Chairman?" He saw his fingers are twitching.. His eyes shot open..

He runs to find doctor... "DR. MEHRA!"

The doctor was amazed by Rathore sudden improvement, he gained his consciousness..

"Mr.Rathore, can you hear me?"

"Mm.." He throat is dry..

"Can you see my hand? How many fingers do you see?"

"Two.." He answered right..

"Good.. What is the last thing you remember?"

Rathore was thoroughly confused, "I just returned to India from Germany?"

Alex froze in shock, that was five years! Even before meeting... "Khushi maam...."

"Who?" Rathore frowned, clutching his head in pain before losing his consciousness again.


Doctor don't recommend them to force Rathore to remember his previous memories.. Doing that might put his life in risk, the facts he woke up itself is a miracle.

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