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Khushi took the ring from him, throw it the ground and stepped on it. "This is what you deserve."

Arnav looked his ring on the ground, and feelings are stepped on by her. "KHUSHI!" She trample his feelings just like that?

"You're disgusting! How can you propose to your own sister in law? Chi.."She said in disgust.

"Khushi, you liked me from the start.. Now Rathore is no MORE.. THIS CHILD..DID HE FORCE YOU THAT'S WHY YOU DIDN'T WANT TO LEAVE WITH ME THAT DAY? IT'S OK NOW WE CAN BE TOGETHER.." She covered her ears not willing to hear his nonsense.

"I don't want to hear anything.. It will affect my baby.. JUST LISTEN ONE THING. RATHORE AND I LOVED EACH OTHER, THIS CHILD IS SYMBOL OF OUR LOVE. Don't talk nonsense!" She warned him, placing her hand on her baby bump.

He thought that as soon as he softened, she would soften her heart too. He thought she will be back to his arms.

The results...... women were so cruel and heartless.

Khushi was indifferent and unconcerned. She lowered her eyes with voice calm, "Loving you was biggest mistake of my life, I am regretting it every single second. Because of it I lost my husband that day.. Please stay away from us.."

Arnav's fingers shook. He struggled to suppress the turbulent emotions in his heart. "Khushi, please.. Trust me I will make everything alright.. Our family is waiting for you.."

Khushi finally couldn't stand it,"I'm going back.. Ahh.." She said almost slipped her foot at stairs. A strong arms holds her safely. Her baby... She looked up his dark eyes..

"KHUSHI!" Arnav was about reach out, failed, his entire body was completely numb seeing HER IN RATHORE'S ARMS.

"Are you alright?" Rathore voice was so gentle, she fits in his arms perfectly. His voice soothe her thudding heart. He is here, everything will be fine.

This man makes her feel safe, just by his presence alone, her savior, her husband, her soulmate for lifetime.

She hold his white shirt tightly and nodded. "Let's go home." He said, didn't ask anything else, he picked her up to her surprise.

"I won't drop you, I can carry you with ease with my stamina." He laughed with confident.

Khushi trustingly nodded, then she stay obediently. Her fingers clutched the edge of his collar, refusing to let go.

They left leaving dumbstruck Arnav on the spot.

"Rathore is still alive?"


Rathore brought her back to her room, in his arms.. She had fallen asleep, he placed her carefully on the bed.

He looked at her beautiful and innocent appearance, and his fingers softly caressing her face.

"You're my angel.. I trust you more than anyone in this world.. Every single day I live with you make my whole life meaningful. What would I ever do without you?"

His phone ranged, answered the phone. He stood by the window, which was pelted with rain on the outside.

" Is everything ready? "

" Yes Sir!" Alex spoke.

Rathore expression was gentle. He looked at the rain outside and turned to look at her sleeping figure.

He hung up.


When Khushi woke up she saw Rathore sitting by her side, dressed in black sherwani.

YOU'RE MY WHOLE WORLD (completed) Where stories live. Discover now