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Arnav, Riya and Alex were meeting at garden. Riya cried hugging Alex, he soothe her and asked.

"What happen?"

Riya broke the hug and looked at Alex, "Sir was kidnapped.. It was by Anjali Raizada and Aman Mathur." She fears his dark expression.

Meanwhile Arnav can't be that Rathore was kidnapped? And Di and Aman did it she says? Whom is she kidding?

"Did you see it wrong?" Arnav voiced out his opinion.

Alex looked at him with a raging fire in his eyes. "She got motives! Shyam Manohar Jha.. It seems she taking a revenge on Chairman for it."

Arnav still didn't believe it, "She promised to forget Shyam and start her life anew.

Alex wants to punch Arnav's face right now, but he control himself. " Why don't we check it out first? Let's go find Chairman first! "

"But how?" Riya asked, concern written all over her face.

"Chairman got a tracking chip inside his watch.. So we could easily track his location. We shouldn't waste time any further.. Every second counts.." He said, this means.. His previous accident also could be Anjali's doing... That's means Rathore is real dangerous..

"Alright then let's go." Said Arnav.

Alex looked at Riya, "You stay here.. Better not involve.. Its dangerous, just wait for me."

Riya nodded, "Come back with Sir, bring him back safely.."

Anjali might not know but kidnapping Rathore would be worse idea anyone could get.


2 hours later..

Rathore slowly gain his conscious, he saw Anjali and Aman, Anjali show the will she prepared for him, "Sign this Rathore.."

"All of my properties are belongs Rathore family, my never had connection with Raizada family.. So why should I?" His desire to kill her rise..

Anjali laughed, "My mother's life was ruined because of your mother! Your selfish mother ran away with your bastard father! Leaving my teenage mother to marry ARVIND MALIK.. So paying her sacrifice in return with your life and properties would be sufficient, don't you think?"

Rathore never heard something more ridiculous than this in his life.. She have gone senile right?

Rathore refused to sign the papers, knowing that they will KILL HIM the next second he does.

Anjali stumped her foot and told Albert to not give him water and food until he sign the paper and she left.


Albert is overconfident of his strength, his boss told him to be wary of Rathore. Why does he need to be afraid of this weak man for?

Albert didn't use the drug to keep Rathore to keep him weak, he is not coward like Aman.

"HAHA... Untie the ropes if you DARE..." RATHORE is calling the death upon himself..

"Untie it!" Albert ordered his man, they couldn't refute.. Knowing Albert's temper.

Rathore stood up, it's feels amazing to feast upon the weak for him.. After its do or die situation..

"Raj go.. Even you can defeat him." Albert said in mocking tone.

Raj threw a punch at him, Rathore looked bored the whole time, for him even a child could dodge it.. He caught it with his hand, "IF YOU WANT FIGHT ME, YOU BETTER TAKE IT SERIOUSLY, OR YOU ALL GONNA DIE BEFORE YOU'LL KNOW IT.." He squeezed his hand, Raj's face went taut, his knees trembled. "AR... GGHHHGH!" Raj tried to free himself but it was futile.

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