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Rathore was busy with files, still hasn't sleep.. He saw Khushi was biting her finger, "That's not a good habit." She stood saying, "Thank you so much for letting me know." She said with with smile which made him frown...

"What now?" He asked now there's something in her mind.. He is willing to listen to her anytime.. Only her..

"Woh.. I NEED THREE DAYS LEAVE to attend my friend Pretto's wedding." She said nervously, handing him the wedding invitation.

"Leave? Khushi? What we have right now is not a job for you to apply leave... I.. I'm your husband and as a wife you just ask me to come with you." He said explain slowly.

"What? When did I ask you to come with me?" She exclaimed in surprise tone.

He put down the file, "As a couple we have to attend the wedding together and that is a very normal thing to do."

"I'm going stay at Buaji's house for 3days.."

"I have no issue. I think staying there is better than staying here.." He said. He did consider them as his family.. Unlike Raizada who he can't find a way to connect to.. Uncomfortable.. Always emotional..

Khushi had no idea, what did he meant by that... What luxury did he find Gupta House better?


Next day..

They reached Gupta House, they lose their mind once seeing their fav Raghav. Khushi could only sigh seeing that.. "Khushi, what damad Ji like to eat?"

Khushi remembered, Whenever Rathore see broccoli he would frown at it like its his enemy...He hates Broccoli.. "He likes Broccoli amma." this time he will can't do anything.. It won't back fire on her.

Lunch time..

Rathore had hard time eating all the broccoli Khushi putting on his plate, he understand this one of Khushi's revenge. But she had no idea that, he would eat anything if its given by Khushi..

At least it made her smile... Seeing him eating his enemy..


Rathore was introduced by Khushi as her friend instead of a husband, Rathore glared at her what she said when they asked about her husband.

"He is not feeling well.."

"When are you going to marry bitwa ?" Pretto's aunt asked him. "... Soon." Rathore looked at his crazy wife..

Rathore storm out only to be caught Ramu uncle to make food for those guests. Ramu uncle told him took off his coat

Khushi noticed young girls are gathered giggled at sight of RAGHU helping ramu uncle cooking in a huge pot... He took off his coat, his white shirt sticking to his body sweat.. Looking sexy for those girls ogling at him for free.

She felt sudden urgency to protect her husband's chastity from those girls mischievous eyes.

Laila, Pretto's cousin seems to really interested in Raghu.. She heard Laila's friends addressing Raghu as 'Jeejaji.. Laila's future husband while when she, his real wife is standing there like a stone.

Khushi fumed in jealousy.. When saw Laila passed him her handkerchief which he took with a gentle smile and use to wipe his sweat.. Laila snatch that kerchief and ran away blushing leaving dumbfounded Rathore.

Khushi went to her innocent husband who had no idea that he been flirted with. "Laila is pretty.. Na?"

Rathore looked at her, "Who is Laila?"

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