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She faked her smile and force herself to gulp the spicy food, her throat is burning.. Rathore's smile dimmer, "Feed me Khushi, as husband and wife. We should share our food.." She feeds him with trembling hand.. He eat with indifferent face,no reaction.

Khushi feels terribly sorry for messing with his food.

They didn't waste the food, they ate it all without a single complaint, leaving no reason to suspect anything.

Rathore looked at her, in disappointment. If Nani come to know to deed, she will be upset with Khushi again.. Rathore felt his whole mouth burning, spicy..

In no more time after finishing the lunch Rathore and Khushi, both ran to Khushi to get drink.. Khushi saw Rathore's painful face while drinking water, she took the water away from him and passed him a glass of milk.

Rathore looked at her in suspicion, "Now what?"

"I'm sorry.." She said handing the glass of milk.

He didn't say anything nor take the glass from her. "I'm sorry.. I forgot you shouldn't take spicy foods.." She said with teary eyes, sincerely feeling guilty.

He raised his eyebrow, holding a grudge not for that biriyani but.. "You forgot? Oh.. Great.. Like you forgot I am not a diabetic person and still made me a sugar free kheer?" He asked her.

She gasped seeing him accusing her, "Naniji and Arnav is a sugar patient, Anjaliji is pregnant and Mamiji is dieting so I thought... I didn't have any other motive, by habit.. Wait you said you trust me.. This is your so called trust?" She regret her stupidity and attacked him back, he is accusing her?

He took the glass from her and chug it, Khushi snatched the glass from him in halfway and drink it.

Indirect kiss..

Rathore didn't say anything after that...

He stormed out without a single word.

Leaving Khushi fuming in anger, he didn't even say thanks.. She glanced at the empty glass, at least she shared leftover milk with him.


Payal saw Khushi standing alone by poolside and asked her, "Rathore has gone to office again?" Khushi nodded.

Payal said, "Naniji called us, she want to talk about something.." They went to Naniji's room.

They saw Anjali, Mami, Naniji is was waiting for them, they looked at each other and took a seat.

Nani clear her throat, spoke up. " Tomorrow is holi, first holi celebration after your marriage. I understand how excited you both are but Khushi bitiya.. I don't say this, you're very responsible girl but.. You see as your elder I should tell you this, careful don't consume baang and don't run around in this crucial time. "

Khushi frowned hearing that," What stage Naniji? "

Nani sighed," Raghu told me to not ask you about it as you might embarrassed."

Mamiji grinned," Don't worry Phatti Saree. You see I got pregnant with Akash before marriage or how else satsuma agreed for our marriage."

Khushi's frowned deeper," I don't understand.."

" Bitiya, Raghu told me the reason you got married. Because of the pregnancy right? " Nani said patient, what's the use of hiding it anymore? Soon Khushi's belly will grow.

" Pregnant who? "Khushi asked with wonder, the only pregnant woman she knew at the moment is Anjali.

" You. " Anjali and Nani said at same time making Khushi stood up from her seat in shock." WHAT!? " Khushi and Arnav who was walk by thought at same time.

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