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"If you say otherwise, I bite you!" She threaten him.

".." He was dumbfounded by her words.. He want to try if she will really bite him, so bad..

She is getting angry for him? For his sake? Because of their similar past? She likes someone with a tragic past? Like Arnav? He never asked anyone's sympathy.. For first time he wanted her care..

" Khushi can I ask for a favor?" He asked softly.

"Hm?" She wondered what is it..

"Can I hold your hand while I sleep?" He requested her. She looked down her hands silently.. She took his hand in her, "I might be harsh towards you all these days.. Because I have grudges towards you.. But personally I know that you're a good person. Whatever happened to those around you in past are their fate.. It is not your fault.." She whispered after laying down with him.


"Raghuji.. That day.. I saw my mother bangle in your wardrobe.. A gift for me.. Right?" She finally asked him. Their entwined hands, they can feel their pulse.


"Why did you retrieve it?" She asked him softly.

They looked at each other, there is some distance between them but this moment feels so intimate.. So true..

"I wanted preserve it for you Khushi.. I don't want you to lose your mother's blessings. I heard belonging of deceased are blessings that left behind by them for us.. I kept all my parents things preciously.. This locket and your mangalsutra.. Everything contain their blessings.. For us.. " He said slowly and his words were clear to heart.. She looked the locket in his neck with their engagement ring, the same locket he once gave her..

Tears fell from her eyes, slide down on her nose, wetting bedsheets..

" I'm sorry for disrespecting it.. I threw it on the ground that day... Sorry.. I'm also so stupid for not cherishing my Amma's last mementos.. I sold it to.. Buy Arnavji's plant.. " She cried..

He looked at her, stunned at her words.. She sold her mother's blessings for Arnav's sake? He sighed.. He didn't want to spoil this moment.. With jealousy..

" Will our parents ever forgive me? For my mistakes? "She asked him.

" They are parent, khushi.. There will be no one forgiving in this world except for them.. They would forgive you if you're sincere." He calmed her.. She looked at him, the sadness swept over her.. She always troubles him, with or without knowing.. But still it will a be lie if she say that she didn't like his attention..

She also likes to trouble him, He is..

" At HOLI.. You were so drunk and vomited. I asked Payal to clean you up. I want to clear this.. Don't think worse of me." He said genuinely, don't want her to misunderstand him again.

"No.. I chose to trust you with myself, I know you wouldn't do anything.." She feel sudden shyness..

"Can I ask you something thing?" He asked looking at ceiling. Afraid that she might not be honest with him...

She hummed in response..

"That day I noticed your arms were redden.. With finger marks on it.. Who did it Khushi? Was it Shyam?" He asked her,hoping for nothing but the truth..

Khushi hold her breath.. It was Arnavji.. How will he react if he know Arnav did it? She remembered how he attacked Arnav at temple like a crazy man. First time she saw Rathore's fury.

She gulped, this moment.. They only speaking nothing but truth. If she lie or hiding anything, everything else will be for naught.

"Arnavji.." She said in low voice, his hand twitched in anger.

YOU'RE MY WHOLE WORLD (completed) Where stories live. Discover now