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Khushi looked deeply into his redden eyes, is he.. Interested in this relationship from when? Why he does look at her like that? Does he like her?

“Khushi, give me a chance.. To make this relationship work. I promise I will take well care of you and your family.” Rathore took her hand in his looking at her with hope.

“Painter.. Also middle class like you. Match made in heaven.” Arnav’s words rang in her mind. The man she have feelings for..

And the man who have feelings for her..

“You’re right, this is the right way.. I’m willing to give a chance to this relationship..” She said with little smile, holding the locket.

“Thank you so much.” His face brightened by her single answer. Khushi also got her answers, this man likes her..

She can imagine a life with Arnav, where he berate her, emotionally abusing her for being poor.

While Rathore, will stay here with her parents. Take care of them as his parents.. He will treat her with love and respect. Never hurt her.

Her tears fell out, as she imagined. She know it all, the first option wasn’t even a option because she doesn’t matter to Arnav. Still why is her heart still looking for him? Seek his attention? Excited in his presence?

They say that time is the best medicine. He had fabricated a wonderful dream around her. The dream was over, but she still found herself unable to wake up from it.

Khushi decided to resign her job at Shantivan to get some peace. She should concentrate on her relationship that her family arranged for her.

She called to inform Anjali she quitting her job at Shantivan since her job is fulfilled now and she lied that she will be busy with marriage arrangements.

But Anjali still insist for her to visit every now and then as Anjali and Lavanya’s friend. Khushi couldn’t refuse their love.

Rathore told her to take it slowly.. He had a feeling that she is forcing herself. There something is wrong with her…

Arnav was at lost, could not control his feelings, she left her job.. He writes his own destiny could not control her fate. She is getting married to a stranger arranged by her family.

To a middle class man, while he is a millionaire who have everything she could ever ask for..

“Damn Painter!” He roared, whom is he kidding? Did he ever give her a chance? Chance to choose him?

“I told her she doesn’t matter to me…” He regrets his own words. With her he can’t breath…. He is a lost without her… Everything in this house kept reminding him of her. But she left him a painter..

How can he get her back here? To Shantivan?

A week passed..

Khushi and Rathore spend time together to understand each other. Khushi noticed how caring he is towards her, he seems to understand her feelings. She could not help but keep comparing with Arnav.

She looked the locket he gave her, his parents photo. Orphan at young age just like her..

She received a message from Arnav himself. “Don’t get marry, if you don’t like him.”

“Why does it bother you?” She texted him back.

“Never mind.” She frowned seeing his answer. She felt disturbed.

She heard her father calling her..

“Get ready, we are going somewhere tonight.” Rathore said, Shashi blinked at Khushi, giving his permission.

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