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Arnav ran inside looked around for his sister but only found Aman there..  "Aman? Where's my sister?" Arnav asked with a hint of panic in his voice.

Aman kept looked at him in silence
but then shook his head "I don't know." He whispered as he looked down.

"What do you mean you don't know?!" Arnav raised his voice but Aman was not fazed by it and just kept shaking his head, looking more uncomfortable by the second.

Before Arnav could continue yelling or start asking some questions he heard footsteps coming towards the room he was standing in, he saw his brother Rathore entering the room.

Aman was stunned, didn't they tied Rathore up, how did he escaped?  And how come he wasn't tied up, what happened to Albert and others?

Arnav caught on the fact that Aman is somehow is involved this kidnapping of Rathore from the way Rathore is glaring at Aman, so Arnav stepped forward and stood in front of Aman "Where's my sister? " He asked again as he started looking behind them, but no one was around, where is she gone? His sister is not involved in this?

Aman's breath hitched he knew who was going to answer Arnav's question
"Anjali and Aman kidnapped me..." Rathore stated.

Aman couldn't believe that these people, more importantly his Di would be so callous to do something like that, to even hurt their own family member...  How could they...

As if reading Aman's mind Rathore said"Just stay still if you still want to live."

"Why would you do something like this?! How could you!" His eyes were full of tears he couldn't stand it anymore "I should have known better! When Di was acting out of the character these days!"

Rathore felt all these things that Arnav saying is nonsense, "Arnav, do you think your sister is 3 years old who doesn't know what she is doing?"

"She and Aman were partners in this crime, don't be so stupid and believe your sister blindly." Rathore said.

Arnav felt so much rage now "You are right, I am stupid" He took a deep breathe before continuing,"But I can't believe my sister would do something like this to you"  Tears started falling down his face.

Rathore looked at him calmly, if Arnav is here then.. He saw Alex also coming in with his mens, they defeated other goons outside the building.. Poorly executed kidnapping plan.

He ignored Arnav and said "It's fine, but Aman should go."

Aman looked at Rathore hoping he will give him an explanation, "Go? Go to where?"

"To Hell!" Was Rathore's reply.

"Wait, wait! Don't do this! You need to listen to -"
Before Aman could finish talking, a huge force came knocking him down.

"ALEX!!" Rathore called his name loudly, Alex threw the sword in his direction, Rathore caught it, "I haven't test this sword yet.. Shall we?" Sharp blade pierce through Aman's shoulder.

The pain was unbearable, he screamed, he tried to fight back but another sharp sword sliced him through the legs.

Aman looked at his wound and it already began to bleed heavily. Arnav watched them in horror. He knew.. Rathore is merciless when it's comes to his enemies..

Aman let out a painful groan, trying to move away from Rathore's hold. His body was already starting to turn pale from blood loss.. "RATHORE!" Arnav shouted.

Aman screamed in pain, Arnav tried to help Aman but Alex pushed him away. Rathore draw his sword back and kicked Aman in his stomach and then grabbed Aman, lifting him up and throwing him across the room.

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