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10 years later...

Have you ever loved a person so deeply.. They will come in to your life one day and change your entire world?

That's exactly how love is.. Love changes you inside and out..

Love makes you stronger.. Love makes you brave.. Love gives you the strength to fight against all odds.. Love makes you feel special even after everything happens.

Love made Khushi see life in different light.. Love gave her peace in her mind after what Arnav did to her love and trust.. She learned to love again..

And most importantly, Love made Khushi realize that she has someone she truly loves, trust and waiting for her no matter what...

She smiled brightly as heard Rathore calling her.


She looks at her husband who smiled at her. His eyes were always filled with love for her, they didn't fade away as the time have passed..

They been married for 10 years, living together, settled down with their child Akhilash Pratap Rathore.

He looked exactly like his father.
Rathore so proud of his son..

Khushi couldn't help but smile back.. This was her happy ending . They're finally together, after all those troubles they faced they spent, they are now living happily and Khushi can't wait for this new chapter in her life to begin..
They are married, they are parents.

And they're going to be parents again! After ten years... After having a son.. It's a daughter.. She smiled as he stroke her new baby bump.

"Raghu..." He made her sit on the bed and lay his head on her lap..


"Happy birthday Raghu.. You're getting a bit too old to rest on my lap." She laughed..

Just turn 40 years old Rathore looked at her deeply as he said, "When I was a child.. For every birthday I would sleep on my mother's lap.. You reminds me of her.."

"Raghu do you remember the first time I saw you?" She asked as caressing his hair, found some white strands... Fine lines on his forehead.. They're growing old together..


"I thought you were similar to Salman Khan, you were so powerful to beat them up single handedly.." She told him.

"They were very weak... It wasn't fun at all to beat up someone weaker than you.." He chucked at the memory.

"Wah.. My husband is so capable, so strong." She praised him sarcastically, "Ouch.." He pinched her waist softly, laughing.

"Raghu.. Then you become our Buaji's paying guest.. Head Butler told me.. That you used to those bland foods.. Western cuisine only, no spicy, no salt, yet you ate whatever we prepared for you without a single complaint. Wasn't it hard for to adjust?" She asked curiously.

" Honestly.. I had hard time eating Indian food but.. You worth every single effort of mine. I changed a lot of things for you.. For better.. " His fingers fiddling with her long hair. Still all of this feel like one nice dream...

Handsome, and respectable businessman that he was. He had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, with everything served on a golden platter. Yet he..

"Ah.. You are so dedicated to me..." She pinched his nose smiling.. After Anjali's death, lot things changed... First thing was Arnav.. He was ready surrender himself to the authorities but Rathore stopped him saying.. He will take care of it..

YOU'RE MY WHOLE WORLD (completed) Where stories live. Discover now