Fallen Angel

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You might be wondering what this story is about. Normally I'd tell you but it's something you'd have to find out for yourself. It's an incredibly long story so sit tight. I'll start from the beginning.

My name is Astro, I am an angel from the stars. I am also a traveler well that travels to different dimensions and explores them. I am not alone in my adventures. I'm always with my twin sister. Athena is her name.

This story starts as we were heading to the next dimension.

"So, where are we going next?" I asked

"We should be heading to the next portal soon." Athena replied

My sister had short blond hair and held a sword in her sheath. I too was blond, but I had long hair put up in a ponytail.

We both carried weapons as traveling to new dimensions is a dangerous journey. As we walked towards the next portal, I felt a sinister presence.
I felt like I was being watched.

"Don't you think it's a bit quiet?" I asked.

"What do you mean? It's always this quiet."

I looked around. Stars lit up the seemingly endless sky. We walked along one of the long bridges sometimes running into towers that go up forever. I continued looking around hoping to find what was irritating me.

"Astro, it's nothing come on!" Athena yelled.

"Your right, sorry."

I couldn't get rid of the feeling of being watched. No matter how many times Athena would tell me I was paranoid.

We arrived at the portal. It was a door that formed as soon as we got close to it.

"Alright I think it's-" Athena cut herself off.

I sensed something was behind us. Something strong. Something dangerous. Athena seemed to sense it too. I could hear a slight hum.

Suddenly, my gut was telling me to jump off the bridge. So I did. I heard something smack against the ground hard and I immediately expanded my wings. (Right I forgot to mention I have wings.) I started flying and pulled out my sword to face the danger.

A woman with extremely long and elegant hair was right behind us. She had a bunch of weird cube things that formed an arm coming from behind her that smashed the ground that we were standing on before we jumped off the bridge. Her eyes were as yellow as gold. She wore a long white dress. Space was twisting around her. She lifted the cube hand thing back up and turned it into little cubes that formed around her. The door was crushed to bits. I noticed my sister managed to jump out of the way and expanded her wings. She was ready to fight.

"Outsiders don't belong in this realm." The woman said in a loud and imposing voice.

She glared at my sister who started making the first move. Athena quickly attempted to strike at her but just before she could land the hit and explosion happened right between them.

I blocked to protect myself from the blast.

"SISTER!" I yelled

My sister flew back out of the dust cloud shocked and injured.

The same material that formed that arm started darting towards Athena. She weaved and started flying away as the strange material chased her knocking down the towers as it collided with them.

"Hey! Hands off my sister!" I yelled as I attempted to striking the woman.

Before I could even get in close my sword shattered right before my eyes. I looked up and the woman's hand was pointing towards me and a flash of light blinded me as my body flared up with pain.

Next thing I knew I was on the ground far away from the woman. She must has shot something at me that sent me flying. I could barely stand up. My sister was still flying around as she gave me a nod. I knew what we were going to do next.

I started flying towards the woman getting ready to strike with my broken sword and my sister swooped down to strike her down with me. The woman glared and pointed at me. I was ready to endure this attack but suddenly, I was pushed out of the way. I looked over and it was my sister.

The woman then opened her palm facing Athena and the material started forming around my sister.

"Huh?" She said shocked and tried to pull back. The cubes formed around her completely and when cubes went back to the Woman. Athena was completely gone.

"ATHENA!" I cried

Filled with rage I started slashing with my broken blade until the woman backhanded me on the face and grabbed me by the neck.
I couldn't breathe.

"Your lucky I don't need you." She held me over the edge of the bridge.

"I could drop you down into the infinite sky."

I heard a whooshing sound coming from below. A portal opened up from below me.

"Today is your lucky day. Seems like you can start a new life in this dimension." She said as she dropped me into the portal.

As I fell into the portal my view started spinning. Colors were everywhere. My mind was panicked but I only thought of one thing. "What the hell happened to my sister?" I continued asking myself as I fell down deeper into the portal. I fell in and out of consciousness. I finally made it through the portal.

It shot me out at the speed of light and BAM. I landed in some sand. Everything hurt but I tried pushing past my pain. My vision got blurrier until my body finally gave up.

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